
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Well it's finally catching up with me, I'm becoming versed in the life of Blogging

After following the blogs of several friends I decided Hey, I can do that. So Here it is, My first entry. What should I be writing about again? Oh yeah anything.

Meet my 3 boys:

#1 is 4yrs old, and is driving me nuts with the way he is constantly talking about our upcoming trip to visit his grandparents. I'm a little worried of the let down when we get home, it's a good thing we have a busy summer planned. Over all he's a good kid, who was as my friends put it, possessed by aliens for his second and third year. He can also be an incredibly hyper child, and has a sever case of selective hearing. THANK GOD he starts pre-school, again, next year, I'm counting the days. We went last year, but we ended up pulling him out this year due to a move, and well lots of other stuff.

#2 is already hitting the terrible two's. I'm not sure I'll manage when he actually turns two. His newest habit is to throw himself onto the floor smacking his head when he's angry. After a nasty bump and 2 slightly black eyes, by golly he's starting to learn that hurts. Today I was peaking at him during one of his little fits I try to ignore, and saw him tap his head on the floor and start to cry. Pretty soon I'm sure the humor of his tantrums will wear off, but for now I'm enjoying the insanity of it.

And #3, well that's hubby. Ok, so not one of my "boys" so much but on days it feels like it. He's a thirty something computer geek who's job has moved us twice in the last 3 years. The first move was great and I have to say I think Austin TX is one of the most friendly places a person can hope to go. I've had a much harder time finding a group of friends in our current location.

Me? Well I'm a late twenty something SHAM. I'm outgoing and really don't like to be by myself, but living in a town where I know almost no one, I'm filling all the "free-time" I have since our move, with a lot of varied activities. Such as, trying to teach myself to sew, keeping up on my boards, various other crafts I try to teach myself, and now blogging. I did join the Y and was actually doing pretty good about working out till my entire family decided to go on a 3 month sick spree where everyone was not healthy for more then a week at a time. This has put a dent into my exercise plans....Oh well I've been "getting in shape" on and off for the last 8 years and still have a good 75lbs or more to loose.

Well I guess that's me in a nutshell, and I'm sure rambling like I usually will. Especially since I'm normally online in the middle of the night.


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