
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Friday, May 27, 2005

A job hunting we will go

Ok how terribly sad is it that I, who for over 10 years went with a minimum of one job plus school, or an "extra" job now has nothing to put on a stupid job application. Not that I'm scared of getting a job. In fact I'm looking forward to the idea of it on at least some levels, although it took credit cards I'm scared to look at the balance on, plus a breaking sewer pipe to push me into it. No I'm not scared of working but I swear I am scared out of my wits having to ask that one little question "are you hiring". It'd be one thing if I could actually use a resume for a "real" job, That would allow me to at least put down things I've done in the last 5 years like becoming a personal fiance expert, internet communications, infant and toddler development, cleaning professional, gourmet cook (ok ok, at least dinner is edible now), expert laudress and stain remover, and last but not least tightwad extrodenair. But alass no one at the local grocery store cares if their cashier is going to care when someone steals a pen because it's costing the store an extra 75 cents.

So where does that leave me you ask? With a completely blank job application. Last job almost 5yrs ago with a note on the side I've been a SAHM for that duration.

Oh and that doesn't even get to the "professional reference" aspect. Now I've got a few friends who have allowed me to put them down, but serving on the SAMC board doesn't exactly count as professional. Not to mention I only have 1 friend that's local who I've only known for a few months, but hey that doesn't matter does it? I honestly don't talk to anyone I use to work with. If having a kid wasn't enough to break those ties, moving 1200 miles away, twice, was.

So now I am officially in the wait and see mode. I filled out applications at 4 stores in our area(yes one is for Michael's, and Hubby and I have already had the talk about I can't spend all my money if I get one there). Then there's the Target application/test that was asking me questions about who I was in HIGH SCHOOL....Um does that really help you know if I'm a good employee 10 years later? I've kind of changed a little bit and wouldn't it be scary if I hadn't. I figure if nothing comes of these four in a week I'll hit places like grocery stores that only want a warm body.


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