
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Me space

I've decided it's time to carve out a little "me" space in our house. I started with our bedroom. That lasted 3 weeks. So now I've moved onto the lovely little desk I found at the garage sale last week. While the rest of the room may be in total chaos. My little desk is organized with all our bill information and my book, plus a few knick nacks that actually do have sentimental value to me. And although the chair sitting in front of it so does not match, it is one of my parent's old dining chairs that I've been redoing for years now (We get the table when they die or my mom talks my dad into the fact they need a smaller basically when the die we'll get the matching table and buffet).We'll see how long this spot lasts as being completely mine. Hey I still have the basement for my craft table ;-)

***TMI WARNING for all men, and non - mom's********

I weaned #2 about 4 months ago completely (finally), and though it took a while I completely dried up. About 3 weeks ago I noticed I was leaking after a shower. OK no biggie right, it was just a few drops and I nursed for the last 18 months it should take my body a little time to forget the habit of producing milk. Well yesterday I walked around feeling full all day...not engorged, but full, and last night after my shower I was leaking again. This time it really had that yellow colostrum look and was more then just a few drops. and today again I'm walking around feeling full. Umm what's up with this???

I mean yes I got hubby around to my way of thinking that we should start trying for #3, which there would be a very very slight chance that could explain yesterday and today, but what about 3 weeks ago....and I KNOW I wasn't pregnant then. Odd, just very odd. Besides if a #3 is the explination to yesterday and today this will be a LONG 9 months....think any milk banks take pre - natal supplies ;-)


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