
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Such a moron

No, not hubby ME.

Tonight was meet the teacher night at #1's school. Earlier today I was thinking of all the things I wanted to address to her like my concerns about making sure #1 doesn't fall behind academically because he's following the pattern of both of my nephews who are dyslexic, and I want to know if she seeks him getting behind on anything, letting her know I plan to start tutoring him in methods created for kids with dyslexia (although I think would be great for all kids) How he gets his feelings hurt by things most kids would blow off, like not going to school and being upset for a week last year over "Jack" not being his friend because he hit him. (I know ironic coming from the playgroup bully himself). How he can be oversensitive to loud noises and people singing (He HATES it although he loves music) I saw a guitar in the corner, hope it doesn't cause a problem.

So we get there Meet the teacher and she tells #1 to show #2 around his room because she wants to talk to us for a minute. She asks "does he have any allergies or do you have special concerns?" AND I BLANK, I'm thinking, what the F is he allergic to, I know it's something....hubby reminds me later Ammoxicillian, thankfully they don't give that at school, and he had asthma, but hasn't had problems with it in years. I do manage to get out I'm concerned about him following behind because dyslexia runs in our family...Sounding like an overly paranoid mother who is determined her son will be weather or not he is (and I'm not, I'm just trying to give him a head start, and learn how my sisters handle the behavior aspects of it that #1 definitely has).

No mention of language delays for the child enrolled in language therapy, no mention of anything else, just that. DUH

Oh well on the other hand, #1 can't wait to go back, although he was disappointed to find out he doesn't have his Pre-K teacher, but he did get to go say hi to her, and "Jack" is in a different class (but he did see him and his mom promised to call me for a playdate yet again, yeah right).

Countdown till school - - - - - - -
#1 - 6 DAYS

#2 - 21 DAYS

AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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