
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fighting over girls has already started

Last night we went to fire works at our local government center. They have a nice display every year with a bunch of vendor tables, music, fire trucks, face painting etc. #1 ran into his girlfriend "L" from his park program, and asked her to come sit on our blanket (I know awww how cute) So #1 and his girl were sitting next to each other, and #2 kept trying to squish between them. I was relieved that when L ran back to her mommy #2 plopped RIGHT down next to #1, Whew he's jealous of #2 giving someone else attention and wasn't trying to steal his girl

#1 and L are so funny We see her and her mommy at our 1 hour a week sports class, but before class for some reason they like to chase each other, and play tag. He's obnoxious and she's shy in a flirty sort of way. I really do think it's his first crush...and yes he's only 5. He's also been saying he needs to find a girl to marry and seems quite adamant about it.

So yesterday. It was nice quiet day over all. My sister and her family left in the morning. We just had a lay around do nothing day. After the boys naps we went out to dinner at a new Indian restraunt. Really good, but slightly too fancy for the boys. Then we went to the city center for the 4th of July celebration, despite the occasional showers. Luckily it cleared up enough for fireworks or we would have had one VERY disappointed little boy.


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