
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Saturday, June 18, 2005

It's DONE! And it's a new record.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, just over 4 months since we have moved into our house and we are DONE unpacking. We emptied the last box today. Now you may be wondering why I'm so excited that it only took four months, but you see, this is a record for us. In our first house we never really did finish unpacking. We just moved stuff with us that came boxed. With the second house we unpacked after 2years, only months before we were to move again, because we figured we didn't want to move all those boxes again without even the faintest clue of what was in them.

unfortunately we can't take all the credit, since this house has no garage or attic to stuff the boxes away, and the very small basement had an issue with the sewer backing up into it that got us to empty the boxes we put down there to begin with, most of them ended up in our bedroom, staring at me every night, say unpack me, unpack me.

Now to go throughout the storage area, and convince myself to get rid of the things I know I have. However the stuff there has also been unpacked, and repacked since we moved in (thanks to the basement flood)


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