
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Random money thoughts

So I got thinking on the way home from the grocery store tonight how much my spending habits have changed in the last 7 years (ok, 5 years hubby and I weren't very frugal till #1 came along) . I had a freaky landlady one time tell me I couldn't rent an apt in her building because I didn't make enough money and had to allow at least $400/month for my food budget. Still think that lady was smoking something, especially since that's on the high end of what I spend for a family of 4 now.

So all these thoughts on what I was told I'd need to spend for food all those years ago got me thinking, If I had to live on the same amount of money today as a single person with no kids, as I did then, could I? And would it be easier or harder on me then it was then. I decided I think it'd be easier only because I've gotten to the point of actually understanding money better, and how to make it stretch further. But I also think I'd be looking for a way to find a higher paying job.


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