
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The new toy, um I mean Vehical

Yeah, It's a toy... even the lady at subway agreed with me. Here's a picture of it for anyone who'd like to drool. It's probably going to take me a bit to get up the courage to ride it myself, but if I ever find some spare money rolling around they had one a bit smaller that I loved, and think I could get use to really easy. However since we'll have to share I need to go get my "permit" from the DMV and go play with it in the school parking lot for a while instead.


  • At 12:49 AM, Blogger -E said…

    Holy smokes! Papa would be jealous. Okay, maybe not a moped, but a motorcycle. He keeps insisting he's going to get a motorcycle again like he had in college.


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