
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You know it's morning sickness when

You feel like puking, and yet all you want to eat is Chipolte. I now have an "official" due date of Aug. 6th although I'm guessing I'll actually have baby around July 23rd... Scheduling a C-sect sure is convenient. For those of you not in the know our family of 5 will then have a birthday in each of the following months July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov...Followed up by Christmas in Dec and our anniversary in Jan.

#1 had his school Christmas party yesterday and I got to go as I had my one friend here watch #2 for a while. We had fun, got to hear what a wonderful angle (cough, cough, sputter) I supposedly have. Just wish he'd come home with #1 once in a while.

I found another interesting difference between boys/girls this weekend. When I was a kid, and my snowman started to melt, I'd make a huge effort to rebuild it to make it last longer. My kids tackled it, cut it's head off with the shovel, and stomped it into the grass, and used his bottom 2 balls as a slide. Guess homicidal tendencies start early.

Other then the fact I'm freezing and we don't even have any snow left for Christmas there isn't much new around here.


  • At 11:15 PM, Blogger -E said…

    He looks so cute! I'm glad you're feeling better too!

  • At 1:30 AM, Blogger Dynila said…

    Wow those boys have grown up a LOT!

    I'm glad things are going better and you & #3 seem to be fine. Amen on the scheduled C-section, too. Labor is for, well I dunno what it's for having never experienced it, so I guess it's not for me.

    Take care & keep us up to date. Oh, yea, and when you have a minute pop over to my blog and tell me if anything looks familiar... I need help!


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