
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bad mommy day #742

Uggg I hate migraines. It will be amazing if my kids end up as well adjusted adults. Today they have done nothing, but watch tv. #1 made his own breakfast of carrots and what ever else he found in the fridge this morning. I did try to shoo them outside for a while, but when I walked out my headache started again and they wouldn't stay out, without me. And then it was back inside for another movie and to bed for their naps. All so I can do nothing and try to make the migraine go away so I can make work tonight. I plan to go, we'll see how long I last.

On the Migraine front. What is the deal! I would get them like 2 times a year until we moved into our house. Once we got here I started getting them once a week. It took a couple months for me to figure out Gee it was the once a week I'd treat myself to a moca latte. Since then I haven't had one, but guess what...Last night I was at work and a few minutes before closing I started getting the blurry vision. Luckily we got out early. Problem is I can't figure out what caused this one. Wonderful...


  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    How is work going? Do you like it?

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Mama Duck said…

    Ick, I feel for you. Migraines are like being hungover without the benefit of being drunk the night before.

    They say sometimes like molds/dusts in the air (vents) can trigger migraines...have you guys had your air ducts cleaned since moving in?


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