
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ouch, oww, yikes, DAMN!

You know I'm a total fashion drop out. Never understood it, and my feeble attempts have been fairly pathetic. My mother was just as bad so I never had anyone teach me. About a year ago I started waxing my eyebrows. I'm too chicken to get it done so I bough the little kit at walgreens and have been good on that point ever since. Till last time. I tried to do a short cut with um disasterous results. Mind you this picture is taken 3 weeks after the fact now that it's started to grow back.

Since I've been in the mode of trying to be slightly more fashion concious lately I figured it was time to up this. Why not try waxing my legs! Afterall I hate shaving, and it last longer (unfortunatly for the eyebrows) and it's not that painful to do my eyebrows. SHIT why would anyone ever do that willingly a second time? Nope one strip was enough for me, I shaved the rest of the way. I'll stick to my Shick intuiton thank you.


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