
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, November 17, 2005

When it rains it pours

If you don't like whining, don't read this post. I just need to figure out exactly what is going wrong in my life right now so I can get a handle on it and quit stressing. Besides I have a playdate today (no not with one of the new moms, but still) and I don't want to come off as a complete nutjob, which we all know I am.

Hubby and I decided we're really not doing all that great, and we've been growing apart, so we decided we need to really concentrate on us more, and put a lot of time and energy into our relationship. We decided this after a week of fighting, and we very rarely have a fight, much less 4 or so in a week. But right now we have neither the time nor the energy.

Last Wed Hubby call's me home from work saying he's having heart palpatations. I'm thinking yeah what ever he get's these occasionally, and the they go away. And there is also the fact I've been after him forever to go to a Cardiologist, he hasn't. So I get home the kids are bouncing off the walls in their pj's and he's laying on the floor unable to get up without help. So off we go...the four of us...To the ER. Kids and I wait a little bit, and then go home with instructions for him to take a cab if they release him (which they did). A week, and 3 Dr apts later the verdict is he will have to have surgery to basically cut off an electrical short in the heart. This is done by threading a probe up the main artery from the leg. My mother had a procedure that included the leg thing and she almost died from it. Nice. They are also doing a stress test before hand because something else on the echocardiogram didn't look "right" um yeah couldn't be any more specific about that I guess.

So the procedure is suppose to be early Dec. and we have to go a different city for it. WTF we live in the burbs of a major city, but nope we have to go 70 miles away to get it done. Another nice. He'll have to stay over night, and we have no one here to babysit for us. He's calling today to find out if it can be postponed till early Jan when my parents are planning a visit instead. Otherwise we'll just have to go, stay in a hotel, and depending on how long something like that will take keep the kids busy in the waiting room, or wait at the hotel, and stay over so we can bring Hubby home the next day. Oh yeah in all of this they are also expecting he is diabetic, but we won't know that for probably a week, until the blood test come back.

So on to other major sucky part of life now. MONEY! Blah! We live comfortably not quite from paycheck to paycheck, but close. We can handle the occasional upset in the budget, but that's about it. In the last month our health insurace went up 100/month, to an 80/20 from a 90/10, and the maximum out of pocket went from $3,0000 to $4,000. This was enough to make us decide to hold off on trying for baby #3, which we've been doing for a while. So our method of B.C. thus far was watching the calendar, and using something when probably needed. Shit. we forgot to watch the calendar this month and had certain recreational activities in our house within 2-3 days of the correct day for trying. As much as this would be nice, it's not needed right now, and I won't know for another 2 weeks if we messed up the date as much as I think we did.

So on top of insurance going up, upcoming med expenses from Hubby, the van needs some repairs, and maitenance work done to it, Christmas is coming, my parents are coming (they're trips always end up costing us money), Cold weather is here. I'm starting to think I've put off a dentist visit about as long as I can, as I think I have alot of work needing to be done with old fillings, I need new glasses, #1 needs to go to both a dentist and eye dr this year (eye one is required by school), and I got on the IRS FAQ page the other day and found a comment about how losses on the sale of a primary reidence, are not deductible. We were hoping for this to help us get a major tax refund we could use to pay off the credit card debt we racked up during the move and sale of our last house.

Speaking of houses. The one we just bought (and already put a section of new sewer, and toilet in) has oil heat, and the wood burning stove we had planned to use as a supplement heat source is in operable. And we belief there is mold growing behind the paneling on one of the basement walls. Really Who put's paneling on an outside basement wall ????? We need to rip that out and purchase some Kilz for the area I belief. Plus we have a whole list of more minor things we have to do as just normal upkeep. And did I mention it smells? In the family room, anytime we get a major rainfall the smell of pee seems to come from one corner of the carpet near the door. I'm thinking a previous animal peeded over there, and the moisture let's it out. Usually it last for 3-4 days. Luckily it's not as bad today as it was the past 2 days. Probably because it's so cold any moisture froze.

Ok, I think I'm done venting. I promise, next time I post I'll be back to being happy go lucky me again ;-)


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