
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

And we're the civilized species

This game of wrestle started after #2 came at #1 in a running tackle, pushing him off our (new to us) Ottoman. Successfully ending that round of flash cards we were working on.

On that note. We got a free sofa last night. Yes I realize I'm almost 30. Yes I realize I have 2 children, and Yes I realize the only furniture Hubby and I ever bought new are mattresses, Our headboard/footboard, and a couch set we paid all of $400 for all 5 pieces for, that lasted as long as expected. Actually we still have it, it just isn't comfortable. So the other night at the MNO when one of the mommies was getting rid of her couch, and laughingly asked if anyone wanted it I said yes. I "claimed" it was for our toy room, but it ended up in the living room after hubby and I sat on it. It honestly wouldn't look to bad if our room had a slightly different decor, but oh well maybe some day.

I learned an important lesson today. You'd think that if your 2yr old ate a half a box of altoids his poop the next day wouldn't be too bad smelling. I'm here to tell you it will be one of the worst diapers of your life. Not to mention he'll just be exuding a horrible smell all day long. Kind of a Vicks gone bad thing.


  • At 8:00 PM, Blogger Val said…

    Well definitely don't feel bad. I'm 33 now and still have yet to buy any furniture. We've bought a new mattress for ourselves, that is already close to the end of it's 10 year usage garauntee. lol I do have my priorities though and bought a big screen for myself almost 2 years ago. ;)

    I keep saying new furniture will be bought for the next house.

  • At 3:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I think we have bought matresses and a sectional also. Everthing else was a gift of handmedown. One day, I will grow up and buy all new day......sigh~

  • At 2:52 AM, Blogger Candy said…

    I'm excited that we are about to buy our first "real" dining room set (one that wasn't a display model or something that required an allen wrench to put together)... LOL!

  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger Lucky Lum said…

    Hey, looks comfy!


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