
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Could it be????

There actually are some fairly normal people in KY. I had a good time tonight, no one talked about marrying their cousin, or who's dating who's boyfriend, and to top it off THEY HAVE A BUNCO group. Almost makes me overlook the fact I was home by 10:07.

Here's the picture of my son...the future model. Notice the grung look of the popular ripped jeans look, created by house of #1; the "stylish" osh kosh sweat from the outlet mall, and the ever faded t-shirt underneath. And we can't forget the accessory every young man needs on a rainy day.

In answer to questions.

E - when I joined the mom's group in Austin I did knew Candy from email before I joined the Yahoo one, and met her for a playdate before I ever went to an event, but yes I was scared shitless of you guys at Chick-fil-a the first few times.

Candy - No I don't eat meat, and it's hard, especially since I still don't really like veggies. Hubby was diagnosed as diabetic recently and I'm doing his carb limits. While I'm sure this is WAY over what I should be taking in, it's been enough for me to loose weight on. I'm just watching how much of everything I eat and trying to avoid the really really high carb stuff I love so much, like pastries, and pies, and cookies. But I can still have decent amounts of other foods, like 3 pieces of pizza is our meal limit, and I'll have a salad with it, etc. For anyone really interested in the details, I'm allow myself 60carbs per meal, and two snacks of 30 each, which I save till evening because that's my big downfall. No not the best "diet" in the world, but the only one I've ever been able to stick to for any length of time and not feel totally deprived. Also a friend of JK's started a board (yes this is a shameless plug) that I'm trying to find inspiration on when I get off track, or for things I'm not currently doing much of, like exercise.


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