
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What to wear, what to wear, what to wear

This change in weather, while I'm STILL not complaining, has made me rethink what I'll be wearing Sat night. I now feel I need to have some sort of a jacket. My options, since I've run out of shopping time are: 2 wool jackets, both from the mid 90's (when I had things like a job, dates etc), but suprisingly back instyle. At least I think so, if not I'll end up as a FUG Thursday pic ;-) Or my everyday awesome blue vinyl jacket. The long wool coat is still to warm for Austin.

I tried my original shirt, a 3/4 sleeve shirt with beading, but it just ain't working with the jackets, too much bling. Actually none of the new clothes I bought will work with the jackets, so I'm ending up pulling out some of my older clothes for the night of the blowout, and probably even the flight down. I think I've figured it out, let's just hope I don't end up totally looking like 1995.

Oh, and the home visit with the teacher went well. #1 is doing good in school.

This will also probably be my last post untill after the blowout, unless I have another fashion disaster while packing tonight.


  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Kami said…

    I think I'm going to go jacket-free since we'll be in warm bars or whatever. KWIM?

  • At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I 2nd Kami. If I wear a jacket at all, it will just be from car to restaraunt, and I'm definitely NOT wearing one into the club.


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