
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time for my bi-weekly post

I just realize I seem to blog every week or two, usually two, sometimes longer. Who knows probably averages every 2 weeks. I'll try to be better, but with 2 duvet covers, and a ton of baked good teacher and extended family gifts to finish making by Christmas no promises.

Actually I've had things to blog about, but most of them are just various vents and rants, and no one wants to hear me whining ALL the time, however by reading this you'll be subjected to just a teeny portion of it, later.

We had a great Thanksgiving week, crazy, hectic, but fun. My parents were living in our driveway for a week, and then my sister and her husband called us Monday before saying they were coming and bring a 10yr old with. Sis and her DH have no kids (to clarify by choice they're both very carrer orientated, and very happy that way) but ended up "adopting" a family from BIL's church. Basically there's no real reason for the kids to be removed from their mother, but my sister and BIL have taken over the responisbility part of being a parent. Making sure they have clothes, go to school, learn to read, paying attention when they act out and getting to the bottom of it, you know the fun stuff ;-) Anyway I haven't met the kids before, and they thought the 10 yr old was old enough to come. He really is a great kid and was so excited over everything, especially going to a diffrent state. Hubby did a great job cooking (yeah right you thought I'd do turkey, they're all lucky I didn't make them eat Tofurkey) and overall we had nice time visiting.

I've also decided that this year will be a no stress holiday. Seriously I'm getting sick of the holiday's being a drag on everyone around me so I've decided to make a pointed effort to enjoy them. I sat down planned out gifts and made a very reasonable budget we can totally afford, I have things to make/bake for gifts, but I know when they have to be done by so I don't get suprised, and I'm thriving in work at the moment. Yes I know I'm one of those strange people that LOVES working retail during the holidays. It's busy, crazy, insane, and nuts, but time goes fast and occasionaly (more then normal) you can really feel like you may have made someone's day or helped them pick out the perfect gift. I am determined to continue this attidute this year.

We've also started a 4 gift rule with the boys to try to help them understand the complex ideologies we have of gift giving. Basically enjoy giving gifts you either made yourself or paid for, and pick them out with the person in mind and be grateful for whatever you get, no matter what it is. So they are getting 1) something they want (RC car and trainset) 2) something they need (previously mentioned duvet covers, one jungle animals, one denim and John Deere) 3) Something to wear (Dino slippers and ? still) 4) Something to spirtual/religious/to read (Christmas book and Veggie tails movie).

So what's the teeny vent I have? Stepfordsville MOM's club again. We committed to buying gifts for 32 children through a theraputic foster care service organiztion. Each gift is suppose to be a value of $20-30. With more then 40 people in our club we should have NO problem making this goal right? WRONG At the meeting yesterday we still had 16 gifts to buy. Only 1 person took on a kid at the meeting. I took another and a friend of mine not in the club said she'd do one. We still have 13 left. The organizer of this is going to have to call the organization and renig on our commitment and let them know they're on their own for 13 kids still.

Now I get that some people just don't have the $20 to spend. That for some it's not 1 less dinner out, or a couple trips to Starbucks missed. I totally get that as we were there a few weeks ago before Hubby got a bonus at work that paid off his medical bills. But for the women of stepford who can't seem to plan cheap or free activites, all drive top of the line mini-vans, freely spend $60+ on a haircut, and talk about very little but shopping, I don't really think it's that big of an issue to most of them. We're even having #1 buy a gift for one of the kids out of his money saved from his allowence to buy a less fortunate kid a Christmas gift. I think if a 6 year old can do it, they could. Ok, I'm done now.

Anyway that's really all going on around here. Sorry bout the spelling errors, no time to spell check, I need to go do homework and put #1 down for rest time so I can work on his duvet.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I should've known.....

The wonderful world of Health Savings Accounts (HSA) plans for insurance is the work of Bushy boy and his friends. If you haven't heard of such a thing be glad. Be VERY GLAD. Basically we are now responsible for all medicines and all medical care out of pocket up to the amount of $4000. After we've already paid $4000 we have to pay 20% plus co-pays until a total of $8,000 then they'll so generously cover everything. The insurace company is saying that we get lower premiums for this plan. Gee thanks the whopping $13 a paycheck is really going to make up for it. We're still paying over $300 every two weeks for this crap.

We found out last night that (Thank GOD!) This doesn't include preventive medicine, well checks, cancer screenings, and immunization. So provided no one gets sick, no one gets hurt, no one needs to go to the Dr for brocitis (of course we'll now be waiting till it's pneumonia), and no one gets pregnant, we'll only have to pay out of pocket an extra $25/paycheck(or $650 a year). This in addition to what DH's company's kicking in ($1500 over the course of the year) will pay for DH's medicines and his quarterly Dr's appointments and blood tests, which we'd have to pay for. Assuming DH is able to change a few medicines to similar cheaper pills without adverse effects. His current medicines are over $300/ month and well that's 75% of our monthly food budget and that we really ain't gonna be able to do.

Can I just say I am so sick of how his company keep killing us with benefits? I SO cannot wait for him to get another job. I know easier said then done, but it just keeps getting worse, and part of me would love for him to leave them now, with really no one to step into his shoes. I know, I shouldn't feel that way, but still....... DH says he'll let them know his "fee" for hourly consulting if he goes, but I think their pride would keep them from calling him.

Friday, November 10, 2006

1)BUSTED 2) Christmas gift ettiqute?

1) Who? No not hubby, #2. What was his offense you may ask? Pretending to not be potty trained! We tried to potty train #2 before he started preschool. It's required. We told him over and over he HAD to use the potty to go to school, but they do let them wear pullups. So we've just sent the kid in pull-ups and he's stayed dry, despite reverting back to diapers at home with mommy giving up.

This week it ALL CHANGED. Mommy and Daddy got sick of shelling out money for diapers, so we told Him they were just for bed time. No diapers during the day, even nap. For the first 2 days he wet CONSTANTLY. By day 3 he was being bribed enough by a sticker and has been completely dry (except morning diaper) the last 2 days.

When I picked him up from school I asked the teacher if he'd gone. I know he can hold it, but what I didn't know was he had the connection to go without being asked to go every hour. Apparently he has ALWAYS asked to use the potty at school, and many times will just go without telling anyone. I guess he's got that connection so I will not be buying ANY more diapers, unless we need more nighttime ones in a few months, when the jumbo bag I have runs out.

2) Who do you buy Christmas presents for outside of family members? Teachers? Aids? Etc? So far on my list I have #1's Teacher and class aid, #2 I have the Teacher, Aid, and Director. Am I missing anyone else? What about busdrivers? Do they get gifts, or is that weird? We've never done mailman or garbage man, but apparently your suppose to do this too, What? I don't have money to give away so anyone is getting baked goods and/or hand sanitizer basket things I'll make. Anyone know?