
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

They're getting so big!! *snif snif*

#1 started preschool on Monday. He's so excited he gets to ride the bus (he's in public preschool for a speech delay). I'm not sure how school is going other then they eat lunch and the teacher read a story. The bus ride however is the coolest. The driver turns and he goes "WHOA". He was relaying this to me as he fell on the chair, purposely on accident. Luckily he keeps asking to go back every day. Even if it is just so he can ride the bus again.

I have a meeting with his teacher, the school counselor, and the speech therapist in a couple weeks to go over his testing and to figure out where he is at and what goals we want to accomplish with school. Personally while yes his speech is delayed, I've been saying that for 2 years, it's catching up. My main concern is his social skills with other kids. He never has been good at them and while he's not biting any more, or even hitting much (well except with #2) he doesn't seem to be able to really deal or make friends.

On a side note the speech therapist works with my friends DS and she told my friend that he is such a doll and so agreeable....I think she has the wrong kid. I mean the teacher also sent me a note saying he is enjoying preschool, has made many new friends, and is a very good boy. That cinches the fact they have the wrong kid and a switch is being made somewhere on the 1 block bus ride. The kid who has gotten off the bus the last two days is majorly hyper and anything but a doll. LOL.

#2 is turning 2 Next Monday. Since it's labor day and mommy has to work, we're going to the zoo and having cake/presents on Sat. It's nice he's young enough to not know the actual day.

Once again I'm trying to jump on the healthy life band wagon. I've decided to start walking after I put #1 on the bus in the mornings. Well today was the first day. A friend of mine came over to walk with me and she said she almost lazied out, and well I almost did too, but hopefully we'll keep each other motivated for at least once a week. Who knows maybe someday I'll work myself up to walking by myself an additional day lol.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

GREAT now what do we do

#2 figured out how to climb out of his crib today. Ok, I can deal with that. We moved #1 out of the crib around this age, but #1 couldn't open a door. I swear I took that boy back to his room and crib 8 times today for nap before I lost count. Twice I found him interrupting #1's "rest aka please take a nap today, Time". 3 Times he made it to my bed to play. Seriously now what? I think we'll put a baby gate up, but with him I'm sure that will only buy us a few more weeks. Lovely when they grow up isn't it? Suppose I should look on the bright side. He's slightly compulsive about things being a certain way so maybe he'll pick up toys in the middle of the night tonight.

On a really, really, really good note the count down till preschool has started. Only 5 more days!!!!!!! I'm defiantly more excited about school then #1 is. Afterall he only cares that he gets to ride the bus the whole block and half to school. Yup in this day in age of childhood obesity my child is being programmed that he cannot walk to school during preschool. To illustrate just how far away it is I'm putting in a picture. School is the building between the neighbors houses with the lights on. I took this picture from outside my front door. Now I do like the fact I don't have to rouse #2 every morning to get him there, and I do see the otherside of the argument for safety, at least for preschooler and kindergarten. However kids need to ride the bus or be dropped off by parents until 6th grade. I do find this a little bit more then ridiculous

Tagged again

This time by Kami I'm only a few days late on responding

1) My kids
2) Hubby
3) Our house
4) Music
5) Extended Family
6) My veggie Garden (now that something grew)
7) Reading Blogs
8) My craft room
9) Having good friends
10) Camping

1) Bills/Money
2) bureaucracy
3) Heat and Humidity
4) Poopie Diapers/Vomit/Blood
5) Politicians
6) "Pretty" run down neighborhoods and houses
7) Urban Sprawl
8) Hypocrisy
9) loneliness
10) Authority

I tag anyone who wants to be, but let me know you played!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I've been tagged

I've done and been tagged by the Desperate Housewife at Here are the rules set out

List ten songs that you are currently digging. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other random people to see what they're listening to.

Well I've never been one for rules, so I'm using them as a "guideline" I came up with 11 songs (although it took some research to remember names of songs/groups/singers etc.) and couldn't take one of them out of my favorites list.

1)"Soak up The Sun" Sheryl Crow
2)"daughters" - John Mayer
3) "Break Away" - Kelly Clarkson
4) "Fast Cars and Freedom" - Rascal Flats
5) "These Days" - also Rascal Flats
6) "Probably Wouldn't Be This Way" - LeAnn Rimes
7)"Some Beach" - Blake Shelton
8) "Good-bye Time" - Blake Shelton
9) "Baby Doll" - Pat Green
10)"In my Dreams" - Rick Trevino (who Hubby and I saw at Hill's Cafe last summer)
11)"Heaven" - Los Lonely Boys

I admit yes I've been into CMT a bit lately :-)

Now Time to break rule #2....I only know one blogging person who hasn't been tagged with this yet, so I can only tag one person. And it's your lucky day Lucky Lum Anyone else who's reading this and would like to volunteer to be tagged please jump in. I tag you by default. Let me know if you do!

(And no. I still don't know how to do cute little links that just have the names. )

Kami showed me how if I could just figure the link thingy out. I read the directions, and Kami tried to show me that one, but it still isn't making sense. I just need to make Hubby do it. I mean what good is it being married to a computer geek if he doesn't do these things for me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ouch, oww, yikes, DAMN!

You know I'm a total fashion drop out. Never understood it, and my feeble attempts have been fairly pathetic. My mother was just as bad so I never had anyone teach me. About a year ago I started waxing my eyebrows. I'm too chicken to get it done so I bough the little kit at walgreens and have been good on that point ever since. Till last time. I tried to do a short cut with um disasterous results. Mind you this picture is taken 3 weeks after the fact now that it's started to grow back.

Since I've been in the mode of trying to be slightly more fashion concious lately I figured it was time to up this. Why not try waxing my legs! Afterall I hate shaving, and it last longer (unfortunatly for the eyebrows) and it's not that painful to do my eyebrows. SHIT why would anyone ever do that willingly a second time? Nope one strip was enough for me, I shaved the rest of the way. I'll stick to my Shick intuiton thank you.

As promised, pics of the Chicago trip

Only a few weeks late. I realize they aren't lined up all nice and neat with the captions next to them, but as you know by now I'm pretty much as much of a tech drop out as I am a fashion drop out.

The first pic is Hubby, #1, #2, and Ms. J's kiddo's. They had a blast in the pool and hubby was nice enough to get in so us women folk didn't have to get wet. We sat on the side to chat. Unfortunately no pics of Ms. J since she's the one that took the pictures. The pics of #1 and #2, are fairly self explanatory. The last one is where I was updating my blog from. You can see the office and playground in the background.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm so not cut out for a carrer

First I apologize for the typing spelling errors. FOr some reason my spell check isn't working, but I don't care it's 1:07 in the morning and well even if it wasn't I wouldn't.

Hubby and I have been talking lately. I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I've decided though I'm not cut out for a traditional career. I mean I really don't do a good job sucking up to people. Tomarrow we get a new Store manager at work, so everyone's running around freaking out, making sure "EVERYTHING" gets done despite the fact it was crazy today and we end up getting out 2 hours later then we should. Don't get me wrong, I like the extra hours, but all I could think was "who cares" I mean if the woman is going to be there for good, she better get use to it. We're a busy store, they've been planning on building a new one in the area, and we almost always make or exceed planned sales goals, who cares if there's an extra rack of clothes that didn't get put back.

So on the note of what do I want to be when I grow up, My latest thought is to start rehabing houses to sell for profit. In the area we're living in there are some majorly cheap housing areas that I wouldn't necesarially want to live in while I have kids in school. So my thought is start small buy a tiny 4 room house, fix it while the kids are in school (yes I'm fast forwarding 4 years. Need that long to find the extra capital to start this) and sell it. Otherwise I will need to go back to school to finish my bachelors, at least. I'm also thinking I'd like something that could support us so if hubby burns out on his carrer choice he could move to another area without worrying too much about the money. Anyone got any great ideas? So far I'm thinking a speech theapist would be interesting, Also going back to the idea of teaching, because I'd get summers off with the kids, but I'm just not sure I'm cut out for teaching.

The whole converstation came from the realization I've been stuck in a rut professionally for the last 10 years. Well ok, I jumped it for a few years, but feel right back into that same old rut. I realized the other day as I'm sitting in front of the retail venue I work for fighting to get the window up in the beater car we have for the "non-kid" mobile (use to be Hubby's commuter car)before the rain came that I was doing this exact thing 10 years ago. Driving a beater car that I had to fight things like stuck window's and dying batteries and working retail. Also the fact that my first 29th B-day is coming up. Wonder if by the time I turn 29 for the 10th time I'll know what I want to be when I grow up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bad mommy day #742

Uggg I hate migraines. It will be amazing if my kids end up as well adjusted adults. Today they have done nothing, but watch tv. #1 made his own breakfast of carrots and what ever else he found in the fridge this morning. I did try to shoo them outside for a while, but when I walked out my headache started again and they wouldn't stay out, without me. And then it was back inside for another movie and to bed for their naps. All so I can do nothing and try to make the migraine go away so I can make work tonight. I plan to go, we'll see how long I last.

On the Migraine front. What is the deal! I would get them like 2 times a year until we moved into our house. Once we got here I started getting them once a week. It took a couple months for me to figure out Gee it was the once a week I'd treat myself to a moca latte. Since then I haven't had one, but guess what...Last night I was at work and a few minutes before closing I started getting the blurry vision. Luckily we got out early. Problem is I can't figure out what caused this one. Wonderful...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Eww....The mind of a (almost) 2yr old.

For some reason #2 has gotten into the habit the last 2 days of eating half his sandwich (one of the FEW foods he'll eat) and then take the second half, shove it in his mouth, walk around, or fight about wanting to walk around, till it get's nice and gooy, and then spit it out. If ya want it, eat it, if not don't....geesh.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ah this is the life

As I write this I'm sitting in the middle of a campground near Chicago. We're on our mini-vacation (which is all we're gettin this year) . While it's not a wooded primitive area having free internet access on Hubby's laptop has it's advantages. It's 82 degrees, a slight breeze, a nice shade tree, and my favorite chair ever...our rocker folding chair.

This morning we had a wonderful visit with a friend of mine (J) from Austin that moved to Seattle and was visiting people in the area. We decided to coordinate our trips so we could meet up for a bit. Still can't get over how big her kids are...and for those of you who know here IRL as well I "think" I've pursaded her to start help me out by keeping up the peer pressure. It did make me a little homesick for Autin again, but it was well worth it. But as she said at least I didn't start bawling when her and her kids left...I told her I could if it'd make her feel better, after all I'm PMS-ing.

Now the kids are napping, the hubby's napping, and I'm just relaxing with the hubby's laptop. Tonight I think we'll go out for dinner since I wasn't as organized as I normally am when it comes to camping and would have to run to the store anyway. And tomarrow we're hoping to get together with my Aunt and some of my cousin's. Then Monday it's back to the real world and another 6 1/2 (i.e. 9 with kids) drive home.

We are hoping to get out at least one more time in Sept, and again in Oct to visit my sister near Atlanta. But Time will tell on that one.

Pictures will follow, when I get home or the hubby hooks the camera up to the laptop. And no I'm not running spell check today...I'm on vacation :-)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fruits of my labor

No, Not the kids...I had c-sections remember? My garden! I've had zucchini and squash already, but this is my first handful of tomatoes. I forgot to photograph the potatoes before we ate them. Oh well. My neighbor has been bringing us big tomatoes for the last few weeks that her family can't eat up and are too ripe for her to sell at her veggie stand, but I finally got some! Of course look at the tractor I have to use (and the kids attached to it) That's why they're so late and I've only had enough of the other things for a few meals for my family. Yeah I'll blame it on the kids "helping" :-) And yes if you haven't figured it out, I'm more excited then the kids that something actually grew.

Monday, August 01, 2005

#1 and #2

So I was talking to someone who felt my nicknames for my children was un-creative, and a little harsh, so I felt I would take a moment to explain. Growing up we were called my number on occasion, especially when my mother was so fustrated she couldn't get the right name out and ended up calling us Scruffy first (yes that was our dog). Also my dad would jokingly call us by number all the time in fun, and when calling all of us we had a collective nickname of TACKE (pronounced tacky) since that was our initials in order.

So it is out of love I prouldy call mine #1 and #2.....Unfortunately GT doesn't spell anything.

Signing off for tonight, (If you couldn't tell I'm having random and scattered thoughts again today)
