
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Welcome to bureaucracy, I mean school

Today I had #1's IEP meeting. For those of you not in the know it's an Individualized Education Plan. He's in preschool because he is behind in a few areas mainly speech and social skills. His teacher, who I love, was trying to be nice about the fact that he showed he had a little bit of a temper yesterday. I laughed and said a "little" bit???? Otherwise the alien that normally posses my child seems to leave the moment he steps on the bus in the morning and goes away the moment he get's off.

I have no problem with my child being identified as being behind. I mean I've been saying this for years, however having the school label him as developmentally delayed is concerning me. I don't disagree with this in any means. I'm just concerned as what it means for the future. I mean as we set our goals today one of them was to get him to be able to do all the dressing functions at school, including buttons/snaps/zippers etc. Now this actually he "can" do if he wants to, he normally just doesn't want to. But does this mean that on evaluation day at the end of the year they won't pass him into Kindergarten because he doesn't button his own pants? Also after things clear up (which I fully think they will with him in a school setting this year) are we going to be stuck as a "special ed" student for the rest of his life? If I fight to have them remove the title and then he has issues in like 5th grade are they going to not re-start the program.

I do plan to get to know his teacher much better. I've talked with her twice now extensively and will be volunteering to be a parent chaperone next week for #1's first field trip to a farm. Yes all this stress has driven me insane, otherwise I never would have volunteered for this ;-)

Monday, September 19, 2005

What a weekend

It's almost enough to make me agree with some of my friends that don't have an appreciation for camping with children. Almost. Hubby and I decided we needed to get away for a weekend. Although we do not do this as spontaneous as we use to after putting in for time off work and deciding where to go I packed up the camper on Friday while DH was at work and by 6:00 pm we were off. Our planned destination was a state park about 3 hours away. After finding out our portable DVD player didn't work and a fighting spat between #1 and #2 we changed it to a park that is 45min away. Well to make a long story short after numerous tantrums and very little sleep we came home early on Sunday morning. Thankfully only 45 min away as #1 decided to throw a major tantrum. Sorry no pics this time since I forgot the camera.

However we did have a nice time on Sat night after the kids went to bed. Hubby and I were able to sit by the fire, and become a bit more um "intimate" (that's a nice PC word) then we can in a more unsecluded area's. At least we were, until Hubby jumped up and in a whisper yell shouted "SHIT we have to get out of here " as he tried to pull his pants back up. We had a visitor, we never did see what kind since it was dark and as we ran, and put the dog in the van, we left our flashlight over near our guest. Hubbys best guess is it was either a porcupine or a skunk. I think it was a porcupine myself. This is after our neighboring RV turned their outside light on to retrieve something putting a short pause into our activities 20 min before. I don't think hubby found it quite as funny as I did, of course he didn't see his reaction. At first I thought there was a mountain lion, or a cougar or whatever it is they have around here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tears in the morning, tears in the evening

I know it's been way too long since I last updated my blog and I apologize to everyone who reads it. It's been a crazy week around here.

With #1 having started school I am having routine morning tantrums from #2 who runs around wearing an extra backpack, not understanding why he can't also get on the bus with his brother.

For the first 2 weeks of school I was having daily tantrums from #1 when he'd get home. I couldn't say boo and he'd throw a fit. This week he waited till I was ready to walk out the door to go to work and start in with a "No mommy you can't go to work" along with crocidile tears. BUT we think we may have found a solution. After I left yesterday Hubby said he really broke down and told him he was sad (Yeah a breakthrough in expressing emotions with words, we've had trouble with him and this one). So today at rest time I put #2 down and kept #1 up for an extra 45 min. for some special secret mommy/big boy time, and when it was time for me to go to work he said bye mom, as he ran into the other room. We went an entire day without one tantrum from him YEAH!!!! Unfortunatly the terrible two's are hitting #2 harder every day.

On that note it's time for me to go to bed. And yes I'm sure there are a ton of spelling errors and typos, but I'm just too dang tired to do a check, or really to care. I'm 3 days into a 4 day working streak.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's a Zoo Party!

Ok, Ok, he's not 2 till tomorrow, but since it's labor day and I have to work, we figured we celebrate on Sat. It worked to our advantage since kids under 2 get in free at the zoo, #2 made it by 2 days :-) We also got #1 in for half price because of a special event they were doing.

Since we do not have any family around, and he's really too young to understand a "friend" party, we decided to just a fun us day. We started the day by going to the Cincinnati zoo. I was impressed with it. It was not too big we couldn't walk it, and we were able to see most things before the kids gave out, but big enough that they had a nice variance of animals and it seemed very clean and animal friendly. After the zoo we came home and had "rest time" while Hubby started the grill and I wrapped #2's gift. When we let the boys get up from their room we ate supper, cake, and opened gifts. The boys (yes all three of them, including hubby) LOVED the additional track for their Thomas set. I'm so glad I found out the generic Target brand fits with the Thomas items.

It was overall a nice day, but I'm sure his B-day will continue for a few weeks since all the extended family (including his Grandma and Grandpa who are gallivanting across the country in their new RV) forgot untill I talked to one of my sisters yesterday. Good thing he's still little lol.