
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Vaccuming up a snowstorm

We had a fun Christmas this year. Christmas eve we opened family gifts and went to church with the boys...that was "interesting" we always take #1, but #2 is ususally sent to the nursery, for good reason it turns out. After sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes waiting out #2's tantrum we were able to coninue on to go drive around a little bit to see Christmas lights. Then we came home let the kids play with their new toys for bit, put reindeer food out on sidewalk, milk and cookies, and rootbeer (I don't know either) for Santa, and got the boys down at 11:00. Hubby and I of course had to stay up a bit later.

Christmas day we actually got to sleep in till 8:30. We got up, opened gifts, and just hung out in our Jammies till we had to get ready to go to a friends for dinner.

So the important things. The LOOT:
I got a new cutting pad for my "sewing station" in the toy room (Hey I'm TRYING to be organized) A new nightshirt with pictures of the boys on it that they (DH) made, and best of all a Standing mixer from my sister and her DH YAY!!! Dh got his wedding ring fixed finally, well and the mixer is half his ;-) . The kids got tons of stuff of course, one of the favorites is Hungry Hungry Hippo.

Oh and the title??? 3 things that came packaged in styrofome. Who says it's a brown Christmas. Not on my carpet. Today was cleanup day.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Why you do not let him get the kids ready for church

Dh was being a sweetie today letting me sleep since I worked really late last night. He got up with the boys, and got them ready for church.

During the morning (after we left) I notice the following things....
#1 was wearing #2's pants. Sure they fit, if you roll the sewed up cuff down as much as you can.
#1's hair was sticking straight up in the back, it didn't get wetted down or brushed
#1 Also had old socks that have holes in the cuffs and fall down around his ankle.
#2 had mud on his pants from playing outside before hand.
DH had forgotten to shave, and he's not one of those men that just looks sexier with stubble.

Well at least I looked a little put together ;-)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Some pictures

It's been forever since I've posted pictures, although having a cable from the camera to the computer that's not smashed on the end would help. Last night we decided to take pictures to put into the cheapo frames I bought for the IL's gift bags. We were suppose to go see Santa, but #2 came home from school with a fever. Given he was happy as could be after nap, #1 was especially cooperative afer an earlier all out blowout, tantrum, and time out, but mainly because we need to get these shipped out we decided to chance it. We had a lot that I liked, but weren't gift worthy.

Yes They both need haircuts, but if I were that organized a woman I'd have actually had professional pictures taken.

On a completely different note, you ever have a day you send your child off to school, and just wait for the phone to ring to come get them? #1 was up coughing half the night Crabby as could be this morning, wouldn't cooperate with me trying to take his tempature ( I don't "think" he had one), and claiming he was going to turn tv on when he got home (he lost tv for today because of yesterday's tantrum). All before the bus came to claim him. I just don't know if the call will be from the nurses office or the principles office. Oh and no, I don't make a habit out of sending sick kids to school, but both my boys have had this cough for weeks. I think I might need to bring them in next week if it doesn't clear up, but with DH's wonderful company I honestly don't know if we have health ins till the first of the year....Not that it would cover the visit, but still. It'd be nice for it to go towards the $4,000 deductible.