
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Saturday, May 28, 2005

And a cool mudpile to play on too! Posted by Hello

A parent's nightmare, a childs dream Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

A job hunting we will go

Ok how terribly sad is it that I, who for over 10 years went with a minimum of one job plus school, or an "extra" job now has nothing to put on a stupid job application. Not that I'm scared of getting a job. In fact I'm looking forward to the idea of it on at least some levels, although it took credit cards I'm scared to look at the balance on, plus a breaking sewer pipe to push me into it. No I'm not scared of working but I swear I am scared out of my wits having to ask that one little question "are you hiring". It'd be one thing if I could actually use a resume for a "real" job, That would allow me to at least put down things I've done in the last 5 years like becoming a personal fiance expert, internet communications, infant and toddler development, cleaning professional, gourmet cook (ok ok, at least dinner is edible now), expert laudress and stain remover, and last but not least tightwad extrodenair. But alass no one at the local grocery store cares if their cashier is going to care when someone steals a pen because it's costing the store an extra 75 cents.

So where does that leave me you ask? With a completely blank job application. Last job almost 5yrs ago with a note on the side I've been a SAHM for that duration.

Oh and that doesn't even get to the "professional reference" aspect. Now I've got a few friends who have allowed me to put them down, but serving on the SAMC board doesn't exactly count as professional. Not to mention I only have 1 friend that's local who I've only known for a few months, but hey that doesn't matter does it? I honestly don't talk to anyone I use to work with. If having a kid wasn't enough to break those ties, moving 1200 miles away, twice, was.

So now I am officially in the wait and see mode. I filled out applications at 4 stores in our area(yes one is for Michael's, and Hubby and I have already had the talk about I can't spend all my money if I get one there). Then there's the Target application/test that was asking me questions about who I was in HIGH SCHOOL....Um does that really help you know if I'm a good employee 10 years later? I've kind of changed a little bit and wouldn't it be scary if I hadn't. I figure if nothing comes of these four in a week I'll hit places like grocery stores that only want a warm body.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I think it's summer

Man is it nice out, We actually went to the park today, spent all morning and didn't get cold once, In fact it was actually HOT. Luckily it will be nice this weekend since We'll be digging up our sewer pipe all weekend. YIPPEEEE!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Yes it goes from the closet to both windows, I am in trouble in a few years. Posted by Hello

What it was Dad's idea! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blog

I've been wondering lately, it seems like the whole purpose of a blog is to send your random thoughts out into the world. I really didn't know about blogs until a few months ago, when I started hearing mention of them on lists and boards I'm on. Being incredibly overwhelmed and consumed with my life up until recently I didn't have a chance to find out exactly what they were. So one day as my life settled down I decided to check out a link in a A-mom friend's sig line (mama duck to be exact), and low and behold her little duckling is now a full grown toddler duckling. Now I'm not sure why this surprised me since my own #2 is close in age and is also now a tantruming near two yr old, but it really did. Not to mention her peanut is actually here. This sent me on a quest to see what else I've been missing out on in the life of my old pals in Austin since our move.

It's amazing by following links from here to there, I've seen new babies pictures of friends I haven't spoken or emailed to in almost 9 months not to mention all the other kids have grown up. Oddly enough I feel there is still a connection to this former life of mine that I had let go of in the chaos and challenge of starting a new one. And while I have had difficulty with the feeling that I need to wean myself off of local lists where I am no longer local, the blogs are helping in this area as well. A few other times I've tried to quit them cold turkey (but not unsubing of course) and found myself longing for news from my former life. So not only did I continue to lurk, but I'd jump back into a full fledge conversation mode forgetting half the people no longer know who I am.

So here I am, thinking that the key to letting go of my old life is actually to preserve it, and that my friends is why I started my own blog. The last 8 months of our life's were spent in temporary housing in a not-so-great situation, but now that life is a little more normal (well if you don't count our broken sewer line on our new-to-us house) I will be able to do just that.

I'm still working on figuring out lots of fun little things, like polls, counters, etc, but in the mean time if there is anyone actually reading this, enjoy my ramblings.....Oh and if you know anything about digging up sewer lines that info would be helpful as well!

Oh and those from old list will appreciate that I have access to spell check here!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Home Sweet Home

I've come to several conclusions over the last two weeks I spent with family. There really is a time limit on how long you should be staying with relatives. Even if your breaking it up into a few nights at each person's house. I'm not sure how long that is, but it falls somewhere between one and two weeks. Especially when there are children and grandparents who don't get to see them very often so they don't want them to have tantrums involved.

All in all I really enjoyed my visit to family. We had a good time talking, and catching up on life. Everything I go home I really realize how much I miss my children being able to be near there cousins. It's always so hard on them coming home. #1 kept telling me that he wanted to stay at Grandma's and have daddy come back there (daddy came home early, someone in our house needs to make money). Plus I miss watching them grow up. I'm also actually aware that the only way we could think about moving back is if we win the lottery. And I'm at a point where I don't want to necessarily move back. I'm just sick of moving and don't want to go anywhere for a very long time. Even if it did mean we could go back. Honestly if we won the lottery we'd probably have two homes one in Austin and one back home. Yes I have been thinking in detail on this since I actually played the lottery last weekend, which I never do.

Spending almost 2 weeks alone with my children's decided I am SO not cut out to be a single parent. I really don't know how anyone does it. For those that do you have my amazement. #1 was actually pretty good except he learned very quickly he could play his grandmother against me, and well she didn't figure it out, even with it pointed out to her.

And #2 well, #2 is almost 2. I remember why I almost went insane when #1 was this age. He's old enough to understand punishment, but not really old enough for it to make any difference in his behavior, and man does that kid have a TEMPER, ok so he got it from me, but still. While we were staying one of my sisters who has a 3 mo old he was SO cute, just wanting to play with and hold the baby and then all of a sudden, whap, right upside the poor baby's head, right in front of me. Plus he's starting to attack his older brother. #1 was at one point very nicely laying on the couch watching TV (a rare occurrence) and #2, grabbed his shirt and pulled him off the couch...Keep in mind the age difference is almost 3 years, yup I'm in trouble. I am however considering myself lucky, he hasn't started biting, yet, like #1 did at this age.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Fruit salad, Yummy Yummy, Fruit salad Yummy, Yummy"

Ah the lovely sounds of the wiggles! My lovely hubby found a wiggles music file on winamp, and now whenever I want to get anything done (Really I'm packing for our trip) #1 and #2 will only let me if we are dancing.......

But hey, at least I did get to go through the kids clothes and dig out summer stuff, not that we'll need it at Grandma's but at least I have an excuse to start garage sailing, now that I know what they don't have YEA!

And now back to cleaning and packing, with the Wiggles!

Watching the ponies galloping home their tails in the air going Swish swish swish, as they ride home to farmer brown ----do, do, do, do.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Well it's finally catching up with me, I'm becoming versed in the life of Blogging

After following the blogs of several friends I decided Hey, I can do that. So Here it is, My first entry. What should I be writing about again? Oh yeah anything.

Meet my 3 boys:

#1 is 4yrs old, and is driving me nuts with the way he is constantly talking about our upcoming trip to visit his grandparents. I'm a little worried of the let down when we get home, it's a good thing we have a busy summer planned. Over all he's a good kid, who was as my friends put it, possessed by aliens for his second and third year. He can also be an incredibly hyper child, and has a sever case of selective hearing. THANK GOD he starts pre-school, again, next year, I'm counting the days. We went last year, but we ended up pulling him out this year due to a move, and well lots of other stuff.

#2 is already hitting the terrible two's. I'm not sure I'll manage when he actually turns two. His newest habit is to throw himself onto the floor smacking his head when he's angry. After a nasty bump and 2 slightly black eyes, by golly he's starting to learn that hurts. Today I was peaking at him during one of his little fits I try to ignore, and saw him tap his head on the floor and start to cry. Pretty soon I'm sure the humor of his tantrums will wear off, but for now I'm enjoying the insanity of it.

And #3, well that's hubby. Ok, so not one of my "boys" so much but on days it feels like it. He's a thirty something computer geek who's job has moved us twice in the last 3 years. The first move was great and I have to say I think Austin TX is one of the most friendly places a person can hope to go. I've had a much harder time finding a group of friends in our current location.

Me? Well I'm a late twenty something SHAM. I'm outgoing and really don't like to be by myself, but living in a town where I know almost no one, I'm filling all the "free-time" I have since our move, with a lot of varied activities. Such as, trying to teach myself to sew, keeping up on my boards, various other crafts I try to teach myself, and now blogging. I did join the Y and was actually doing pretty good about working out till my entire family decided to go on a 3 month sick spree where everyone was not healthy for more then a week at a time. This has put a dent into my exercise plans....Oh well I've been "getting in shape" on and off for the last 8 years and still have a good 75lbs or more to loose.

Well I guess that's me in a nutshell, and I'm sure rambling like I usually will. Especially since I'm normally online in the middle of the night.

Hmm this is good dirt Posted by Hello

My boys, and daddy Posted by Hello