
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This shows how demented I am

I'm searching Yahoo tonight since I took a nap today and can't sleep now when I come across this headline .... "Dangerous John Marches up Mexican coast " Yup I was looking for an article about a bunch of prostitutes getting killed in Mexico....And yes I also live under a rock.


I should update my earlier post. #1 doesn't really nap anymore, but we have "quiet time" in our rooms where mommy can have quiet time so she doesn't blow something up. #2 is thinking he doesn't need a nap anymore, but if I keep him in there long enough he will sleep usually.


I need to get this off my chest. I've been reading article after article about the plane crash that happened in Lexington, and while we all want to know what happened why do they all have to be about blame? Can't they wait for the findings of the investigation? Although I haven't met her, I don't think, the Pilot's wife is in a neighboring MOM's club that has alot of shared activities with ours, and I know her name. She has two little girls, her oldest is #2's age. Really this has to be hard enough on her (and everyone involved) without the blame game. As much as I can tell it was a huge conglomeration of mistakes on many different peoples parts that could caused it, any one of those little things changed and it wouldn't have happened. That's the definition of a freak accident.

Hubby doesn't know why this is bothering me so much, and really I don't either. Usually when things like this happen I will think oh that's sad, and move on. I learned a long time ago to not let news events bring me down too far, but this is different. All I can think is it's in such close proximity and I just keep thinking about the wife. How horrible the accusations have to be to deal with, and how would I ever explain to my kids, especially #2 at his age, that daddy's not coming home.


On a funny note Hubby is his typical overly nervous mess this week. He has an interview with a head hunter tomorrow and of course he's got a nasty cold. The other night we spent HOURS deciding on what he should wear, his "fat" suite or his "skinny" suite. He's between sizes and there isn't time to get them tailored. So I tell hubby what I think and he starts arguing with me so I say well what do YOU want to do, and he says well I guess we'll have to do what you say.

Then we spent forever trying to figure out the "reference" form the guy sent. It asked for at least 2 supervisors, 2 peers, and 2 mentors or technical guru's. I took that to mean to supervisors, 2 personal, and 2 co-workers/teachers. He was arguing the peers needed to be co-workers, well that's great, but my anti-social hubby doesn't have that many friends and people at work he can use as a reference. He had trouble coming up with 2 co-workers for the third category. Sad thing is all his personals are my friends, or hubby's of my friends ;-) Yeah I know he can claim some of them as his friends now too, but they started as mine! So those of you I've posed this question too, expect a call at some point, hopefully.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Is it bedtime yet?>......Seriously?????/

I'm so tired already and it's only 1:20, We got up this morning, I got #1 off on the bus started laundry dropped #2 off at the neighbors and went into the dentist to have some fillings done. Actually it wasn't too bad, I remembered to eat before hand (which held me over till about noon) and they actually got me numb on the first try, which never happens.

I got home from the dentist at 11:30, and go pick up Tim. I open the door and my neighbor starts apologizing profusely. While she was in the bathroom (she's in her second trimester and there all the time now) she heard #2 scream. When she ran out she said he was covered in blood. Her 4yr old said he fell into the fire place. So she cleaned him up and put a bandaid on the cut on his nose just before I got there. I called the Dr's office because I didn't know what warranted stiches when it comes to cuts, but it had been bleeding for over half an hour when I called (not profusely, but a little and it didn't' show signs of stopping) and they told me to go to either the ER or urgent care to be sure. SO back to the neighbors to ask her to get #1 off the bus and off to urgent care we went. (mind you the entire left side of my face is numb and I can't really talk)

At Urgent care the med tech looks at it and says, hmm that's a borderline one, I wonder what the Dr will do. Dr looks at it and says, "hmm that's a borderline one, and I really don't think stiches will help since it's not all the way throughout the skin," but she did put on a steri-strip to keep it closed. I now know what warrants stiches, and I only had to pay $50 for that information!

By this time I'm STARVING but still cannot eat anything so on the way home I formulate a plan to grab #1 off the bus (which I beat by 3 minutes) and head to McD's. I can get a shake and the boys will get a kids meal without knowing mommy's having ice cream for lunch.

This is working quite well as I'm writing this after I figured out I had to hold the left side of my mouth shut with my hand to get enough suction to make the straw work.

Now I get to put the kids down for naps (YEAH), change laundry again, and figure out how much money we spent today that we don't have.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ramblings from a MNO

-Wow this is the first time I've been out past 11:30 on a MNO since blogger blowout

-Bummer most of it was listening to a bunch of skinny women (no offense to all skinny women) talk about how there butts look too big in this jean or that outfit, or what shoes they should wear with what kind of jeans...sorry, but I am SO not into this kind of stuff.

-Ok, mabey the stepford wives aren't quite as bad as I think they are there were a few good laughs and a glimmer of hope tonight, and one who's a formal Dallas-ite said they're better then them ;-) (Sorry Kami, but she did!)

- funnest part of the night was watching the look on the guys faces when they found out we were from a "mother's club" and none of us were avaliable or interested, and all of us had kids. 1 actually did seem like a really nice guy and one of the mom's took his number for her friend who's single.

-would a small group of women every really think taking a boat ride with some strange men at night is a good idea? I don't care how nice they seem.

-I like pina colada's, I really do, Never thought I would, but I really do!

- I don't like Corona, I tried it finally, but nope just tastes like beer to me, I could tolerate it and drank it, but still like Coor's light better. Oh and what are you suppose to do with the lime again? I shoved mine in my bottle and it seemed to help the taste.

As much as my first impressions of the bar was the song "Redneck Yacht Club" running through my head, I really liked it, and I'd definatly go back, but not with hubby, he doesn't like bars.

Totally not as much fun as I'm sure the A-town one last weekend was, but it definatly was the best one here so far, so I must say I am hopeful.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Oops, this might not be good

Hubby's been looking for a job the last few weeks. Mainly because of a cumulating of issues that have been ongoing with this company ever since we moved. Friday Morning hubby is told to put documenting job procedures as his top priority, um ok, he's been doing this for a while since they are suppose to be hiring someone to take over part of his job. Friday afternoon his boss calls him in and tells him he knows he's looking. Apparently the boss was quite thrilled to find a resume on from someone with qualifications in the right kind of systems in this area till he saw who the resume was from. He asked Hubby if it was because of him, Hubby, while not denying he's a hard person to work for told him truthfully, but tactfully, that it had more to do with the owner's and how the company is run.

I'm still trying to figure out how you're suppose to look for a job now days without letting your employer know. The few nibbles he's had have been from people contacting him, not him sending his resume out.

I'm starting to wonder if this may not mean another move is in our near future. While there are some jobs here they are limited, he's looked at the job postings in other cities we are thinking of possibly someday wanting to move too and there seem to be a lot more openings. Actually one of the nibbles was for a contract job in Omaha, which is one of the area's we think would be possible.

See we've pretty much decided we want to make 1 (read ONE) more move in our lives. We really would like to be closer to family and in the mid-west somewhere in the area of a triangle from Mpls, to Des Moines to Omaha. We aren't lovin' KY and I do want to some day end up living out on a hobby farm somewhere (since inner city ain't gonna happen with hubby). But dudes I am SO not in the mood to move again right now.

#1 is starting Kindergarten tomorrow, #2 starts preschool in a couple weeks, no other place or state is going to let him be in the 3yr old class with a Sept 5th B-day. I still don't have a group of friends here, and one of my 2 friends is moving away, but I've gotten so busy I don't care, at least not right now, well (ok, maybe a teeny tiny bit when I heard about the MNO on Candy's blog). Plus Hubby and I have found a church we've been to twice now and so far we both like it...This in itself is monumental. The last one we agreed on is the one we got married in, and honestly I'd have taken anything halfway acceptable at that point, I was so tired of fighting over it. Plus our house has so much work needing done before we could rent it out, much less sell it. Basically I'm starting to settle in. Every other time I've felt this way we've upped and moved........And I thought life with hubby might get boring.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm sorry, I've been a bad blogger

I know I haven't been updating this thing much, and there have been no pictures in forever, but that's because I have no batteries in my camera...a situation I keep meaning to rectify. Also I've been kind of moody lately, and I normally don't feel like posting or talking to anyone when I'm in a funk, except to vent, but last night I had a big cry over everything and nothing and now feel like myself again, at least for the moment.

So I know you're all dying to know the situation with my mom that I eluded to in the last post. Actually it's no big deal really. My BIL from Greece's dad has some health problems and my sister wanted to take the kids (3 ages 7,4,1) over to see papoose again in case he keeps deteriating, but BIL doesn't have enough vacation time and my sister didn't want to do it alone, gee wonder why, so my father volunteered to go with. This is great except my mom will not go oversees, and in their 45ish year marriage my mom has spent maybe 10 long weekends alone when my dad use to have conferences, and even then after I got out of school she tagged along and went with. .

She claims she can't fly overseas because of her health, but I think she uses that as an excuse to rationalize not going because really she doesn't like flying and is terrified of going over the ocean. She says it's because she has an artificial heart valve, and if it get's stuck and they're over the ocean she's dead since she's at least 4 hours from a coastline/ hospital plus you never know about that foreign medical care. Yeah it might make since if it wasn't coming from the woman who has traveled all over the U.S./Canada, and into Alaska in an RV. Umm there are a lot of areas (like all of Alaska and some of the deserts they've been trough) where medical care is more then 4 hours away. Not to mention my cousin who's an anesthesiologist tried to nicely tell her if it gets stuck she's pretty much dead no matter where she is.

But back to the story. My mom decided with dad gone for a month she didn't want to be home alone so she is staying at a state park 20 minutes from us in her RV. Her reasoning is she didn't want to stay at our house , even in the driveway, we'd kill each other, and she's probably right. So she had my dad drive her down and park her in the park, fly back to Mpls so he can accompany my sister and her kids to Greece via Chicago, and Germany. After he gets back he has 2 days at home and then he'll fly down here pick up my mom and they'll either stick around a while longer or go travel to some yet undetermined, but warmer location till Christmas.

Actually it's going pretty well. Last night she took #2 for a sleepover and tonight is #1's turn. I'm enjoying not breaking up fights all day long. And now I need to get going so I can pack #1's overnight bag, hit the store and head out to do the switch.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Now THAT'S a mom's club activity I can enjoy

Today we had an "Airport tour" with the mom's club. It stipulated for children 5 and over so I pawned #2 off on Grandma (She's staying at a campground near us for a month but that's a post in it's own)and took #1 thinking he'd have a blast even though I didn't know what to expect.

Well well, we got to see the Airport Fire-station, and were we in luck. Today was the annual stations shift challenge day. Basically all the guys were having water fights and playing with their hoses!!!!! HOT DAMN, it was almost better then the calendars, I mean granted they were clothed, but it was live action. And did I mention they don't have any female fire-fighters at our airport (although she made sure to mention they are jobs open for women, but none have yet to pass the rigorous physical tests).

Needless to say we all enjoyed it and had a good, and educational time, oh yeah the kids liked it too. The highlight for #1 was getting to sit in an old cargo jet and watch a movie, and then pretend to fly the plane.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Such a moron

No, not hubby ME.

Tonight was meet the teacher night at #1's school. Earlier today I was thinking of all the things I wanted to address to her like my concerns about making sure #1 doesn't fall behind academically because he's following the pattern of both of my nephews who are dyslexic, and I want to know if she seeks him getting behind on anything, letting her know I plan to start tutoring him in methods created for kids with dyslexia (although I think would be great for all kids) How he gets his feelings hurt by things most kids would blow off, like not going to school and being upset for a week last year over "Jack" not being his friend because he hit him. (I know ironic coming from the playgroup bully himself). How he can be oversensitive to loud noises and people singing (He HATES it although he loves music) I saw a guitar in the corner, hope it doesn't cause a problem.

So we get there Meet the teacher and she tells #1 to show #2 around his room because she wants to talk to us for a minute. She asks "does he have any allergies or do you have special concerns?" AND I BLANK, I'm thinking, what the F is he allergic to, I know it's something....hubby reminds me later Ammoxicillian, thankfully they don't give that at school, and he had asthma, but hasn't had problems with it in years. I do manage to get out I'm concerned about him following behind because dyslexia runs in our family...Sounding like an overly paranoid mother who is determined her son will be weather or not he is (and I'm not, I'm just trying to give him a head start, and learn how my sisters handle the behavior aspects of it that #1 definitely has).

No mention of language delays for the child enrolled in language therapy, no mention of anything else, just that. DUH

Oh well on the other hand, #1 can't wait to go back, although he was disappointed to find out he doesn't have his Pre-K teacher, but he did get to go say hi to her, and "Jack" is in a different class (but he did see him and his mom promised to call me for a playdate yet again, yeah right).

Countdown till school - - - - - - -
#1 - 6 DAYS

#2 - 21 DAYS

AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

You know I never liked this magazine,

But now I think I need a subscription

I'm so sick of people having a fit over magazines that show a breast being used what it is FOR and yet no one yells about the covers with women wearing swimsuits that show more...

GIVE ME A BREAK if you don't like it, don't look!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

To save money

I went to the Wonder Hostess Bakery Outlet

2 Loaves Light White bread - $1.79

2 Loaves Light Wheat Bread - $1.79

Normal cost at the grocery store approx $6. A savings of $2.50 Cool I think......BUT WAIT

Add in :
Box of Twinkies $1.99
Box of Choc. Chip muffins. $1.99
2 Individually wrapped Moon Pies $.80

I ended spending $2.30 MORE, and getting an extra 10 lbs on my hips out of the deal..

That was stupid.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

BWAAAAAA, don't read if you don't want to hear me whine

This is SO unfair, I've made 2 friends here so far, and the second one is moving TO PRAUGE. She's actually from there, and her and her DH were talking about why they are staying here (They moved here 6 months ago so he could see if he wanted to be by his family again). I guess her and her husband talked and they decided the only reason they have for staying after his contract with the company he's working for is up next month is finances are easier here then there, and that's not a good enough reason. Why can't they be materialistic like us Americans????? So unfair. Plus my kids will be heart broken the baby's moving.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I have got to stop watching "Miami Ink"

I've come up with yet another idea on what I want to get someday (when I turn 45, or when I loose 70 lbs, whatever comes first), and also a new locations (since the first now has a C-section scar and streatchmarks close by). I want a weed patch, with 3 different flowers growing. I know I know, but here's my reasons.

1) My life is always by design chaos. I hate chaos, but have come to the conclusion I can't live without it. The minute my life settles down I'll do something to disrupt it, move, have a baby, whatever, I find something.

2) Any time I try to have a garden it ends up a weed patch....there are some really pretty weeds out there by the way, and I have trouble telling what's a weed, and what's a flower/vegetable.

3) I want different flowers that would signify hubby and my kid's personality in one grouping. I'm thinking #2 is a dandelion. He's sunny, happy, strong, constant, keeps on going, and with the exception of almost being 3, not prone to mood swings normally, but he can be slightly bitter at times. Plus he eats them ALL THE TIME. Hubby I think something simple, might look delicate but has a strong constitution. A flower that likes shade, in other words, something I can't kill not sure what wildflower would fit that. #1 I don't know. I'm thinking a rose, thorns and all. Something that is flashy, delicate, thorny, and hardy all rolled into one. As I say he is always very....Either very happy or very angry but very. He also is one of the most sensitive people, but he hides it very very well.

The places I'm now thinking are in a vine type setting around my ankle or at the top of my back, but low enough to cover with a shirt if my boys are embarresed by being flowers. Depending on what course my professional life takes between now and then.

Yeah I know Hubby just rolled his eyes, rolled over and fell asleep, which is why I'm sharing this with you over a glass of wine, or two.