They're getting so big!! *snif snif*
#1 started preschool on Monday. He's so excited he gets to ride the bus (he's in public preschool for a speech delay). I'm not sure how school is going other then they eat lunch and the teacher read a story. The bus ride however is the coolest. The driver turns and he goes "WHOA". He was relaying this to me as he fell on the chair, purposely on accident. Luckily he keeps asking to go back every day. Even if it is just so he can ride the bus again.
I have a meeting with his teacher, the school counselor, and the speech therapist in a couple weeks to go over his testing and to figure out where he is at and what goals we want to accomplish with school. Personally while yes his speech is delayed, I've been saying that for 2 years, it's catching up. My main concern is his social skills with other kids. He never has been good at them and while he's not biting any more, or even hitting much (well except with #2) he doesn't seem to be able to really deal or make friends.
On a side note the speech therapist works with my friends DS and she told my friend that he is such a doll and so agreeable....I think she has the wrong kid. I mean the teacher also sent me a note saying he is enjoying preschool, has made many new friends, and is a very good boy. That cinches the fact they have the wrong kid and a switch is being made somewhere on the 1 block bus ride. The kid who has gotten off the bus the last two days is majorly hyper and anything but a doll. LOL.
#2 is turning 2 Next Monday. Since it's labor day and mommy has to work, we're going to the zoo and having cake/presents on Sat. It's nice he's young enough to not know the actual day.
Once again I'm trying to jump on the healthy life band wagon. I've decided to start walking after I put #1 on the bus in the mornings. Well today was the first day. A friend of mine came over to walk with me and she said she almost lazied out, and well I almost did too, but hopefully we'll keep each other motivated for at least once a week. Who knows maybe someday I'll work myself up to walking by myself an additional day lol.