
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

And we're the civilized species

This game of wrestle started after #2 came at #1 in a running tackle, pushing him off our (new to us) Ottoman. Successfully ending that round of flash cards we were working on.

On that note. We got a free sofa last night. Yes I realize I'm almost 30. Yes I realize I have 2 children, and Yes I realize the only furniture Hubby and I ever bought new are mattresses, Our headboard/footboard, and a couch set we paid all of $400 for all 5 pieces for, that lasted as long as expected. Actually we still have it, it just isn't comfortable. So the other night at the MNO when one of the mommies was getting rid of her couch, and laughingly asked if anyone wanted it I said yes. I "claimed" it was for our toy room, but it ended up in the living room after hubby and I sat on it. It honestly wouldn't look to bad if our room had a slightly different decor, but oh well maybe some day.

I learned an important lesson today. You'd think that if your 2yr old ate a half a box of altoids his poop the next day wouldn't be too bad smelling. I'm here to tell you it will be one of the worst diapers of your life. Not to mention he'll just be exuding a horrible smell all day long. Kind of a Vicks gone bad thing.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Food Log Blog

I started another blog, to keep myself honest :-)

Could it be????

There actually are some fairly normal people in KY. I had a good time tonight, no one talked about marrying their cousin, or who's dating who's boyfriend, and to top it off THEY HAVE A BUNCO group. Almost makes me overlook the fact I was home by 10:07.

Here's the picture of my son...the future model. Notice the grung look of the popular ripped jeans look, created by house of #1; the "stylish" osh kosh sweat from the outlet mall, and the ever faded t-shirt underneath. And we can't forget the accessory every young man needs on a rainy day.

In answer to questions.

E - when I joined the mom's group in Austin I did knew Candy from email before I joined the Yahoo one, and met her for a playdate before I ever went to an event, but yes I was scared shitless of you guys at Chick-fil-a the first few times.

Candy - No I don't eat meat, and it's hard, especially since I still don't really like veggies. Hubby was diagnosed as diabetic recently and I'm doing his carb limits. While I'm sure this is WAY over what I should be taking in, it's been enough for me to loose weight on. I'm just watching how much of everything I eat and trying to avoid the really really high carb stuff I love so much, like pastries, and pies, and cookies. But I can still have decent amounts of other foods, like 3 pieces of pizza is our meal limit, and I'll have a salad with it, etc. For anyone really interested in the details, I'm allow myself 60carbs per meal, and two snacks of 30 each, which I save till evening because that's my big downfall. No not the best "diet" in the world, but the only one I've ever been able to stick to for any length of time and not feel totally deprived. Also a friend of JK's started a board (yes this is a shameless plug) that I'm trying to find inspiration on when I get off track, or for things I'm not currently doing much of, like exercise.

Things not to say tonight

Tonight is my first MNO with the new group I joined. I went to the meeting yesterday, and everyone seems nice enough, but it's always awkward going into a group where everyone knows everyone, and you know no one (say that fast 10 times ;-)). Given my ablilty to say the wrong thing in these situations because I cannot stand an awkward silence, and since I will not have a kid around as a distraction, I am in my mind making a list of things to not say so I don't come off as a total moron.

1) Currently my favorite tv show is Magnum PI reruns. Hey I ONLY get to watch tv for like 2 hours during the day and even if it is corny, you can't say those dimples aren't worth it. Yeah he's old now, but wasn't (as) old then.

2) My child thinks the "brown baby" on pbs between shows is funny (when he throws his food).

3)I checked out a real - non-novel book on learning disabilities from the library the other day, and I'm finding out I am no longer able to read more then 3 pages of a research book without getting a headache from all the information.

4)I'm desperate enough for a life that I willingly work part time in retail, and even though I'm getting sick of it, I still need that regular escape from my children. Or in the same line of thought...any bars around this Starbucks????

and worse yet that could happen.........

5) Sure! I'll be on next years board, doesn't matter that I don't' know if I like any of ya'll, you're looking for board members and asked so why the h*ll not.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mom's Club's, school delays, and Chi tea

We have a school delay today. I can't for the life of me figure out why, roads are clear and have been since last night. No snow, ice, or rain has fallen in the last 12 hours, and while still freaking cold out there It's sunny. Oh well.

After I do finally get #1 on the bus I'm off to my first Mom's type club meeting in KY. I joined another group that didn't have meetings and the people were, well, strange. So we'll see how this goes...Wish me luck. The first MNO is tomorrow and I plan to attend that as well. I hate going to these things when I don't know anyone. Truth is I really am a shy person, I just tend to hide it fairly well, and if I'm really nervous I can come across as obnoxious.

However I did finally ask the restraunt mommy for a playdate. We went there for supper last night, and it was slow so we got talking. Sounds like she really doesn't have many mommy friends either....Awesome opening for me, so I ever so slyly said we should do a playdate sometime, and left my phone number. They're hiring someone next week, so everyone cross you're fingers he works out because then she'll have more time to do things like playdates.

Now for my YUM of the day. I went out on a limb and bought some International foods Chi Tea Latte at the store the other day. This is SO good. I like it with just a little milk added for a creamier texture. Perfect for when you can find a few minutes in front of the computer for a little me time, makes me almost not here the screams coming from the other room.

Blogger still will not let me upload the picture...grrr, I'll keep trying.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Snow, Kids, fights, punishment, Diets, Money,.......

Yup I'm ALL over the map today. First my stew turned out pretty good for all the inquiring minds that wanted to know, I brought it to work and though no one ate much, which I didn't expect I was able to pawn off the remainder on a poor collage student I work with. She said it'd go good with the pickles and ketchup she had in her fridge.

Last week we had thunderstorms all week. Today, the first week of spring....SNOW.. 2-3 inches of it. Here in Kentuckyland that means a snow day for #1, yippiee, can't you just hear my enthusiasms *Cough cough*. We played outside, went to the library, bank, and mall today. I've invented a new punishment for the constant fighting between the boys. They have to sit at each other in the hallway until they can both say I'm sorry and I love you and give hugs without tackling each other. Actually I didn't invent it, my mom use to use it.

I have a picture to share today Hubby took while at an airplane museum with #1 and my dad....My mom, #2, and I stayed home.


K, blogger won't add it at the moment I will later.

I've been on hubby's low carb diet with him. Not because I care about loosing weight right now, I really don't, but to be a nice supportive wife, and to keep track and not make him supper high carb meals. Yes it'd be nice, but it so is not enough motivation for me. Well I have been loosing and I lost even more last week which was cool since I was sure I gained. I'm now only 10lbs from my little goal, where I was when I got preg with #2...If you can call it a goal since I don't care too much if I make it, and still a LONG way from my ideal weight..

On a Money victory I got some awesome sales at the grocery store and am on my way to making budget this week. I've really been trying to stick to one, while I haven't run us into the ditch in a while, I'm really at a point of seeing some improvement in our overall finacial picture if I don't take us too far off budget this spring/summer. I also bought a new organizer/wallet so I can take my different envelopes or budget area's with me and keep them separate. I was super excited when I realized my envelopes would fit and that they had a separate pocket just for them...Yes it takes very little to amuse me sometimes.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bwaahhhhhahahaha...Like a mad scientist

I'm at it again, and this time springing it on unaware, unsuspecting people. I'm Cooking! And not even from a cookbook, it's my very own St. Patty's day inspired experiment.

It all started this morning when I realized that St. Patty's day is the perfect excuse to use up a 1/2 head of cabbage (which I really don't like) in the fridge. As I was coming up this enchanting concoction that can only be described as a vegetarian-clean-out-the-fridge stew, I realized I am suppose to bring something "green" to work tonight for a pot luck. As my Green soda bread is already in the oven, and who knows how that will turn out since the leprechauns ate my normal recipe and I couldn't find it on line again, I decide I will bring the now dubbed "green stew" to work tonight. Afterall it's a huge pot that no one here will eat, and it does have lots of green Vegas in it.

Beware ALL!!! BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However if I can find my nummy soda bread recipe in the next 20 minutes I'll make another loaf of that with food coloring instead. They better hope the leprechauns Luck is with them.


You know it's one of those days............

When before you're first cup of coffee you grab ground cumin to put on you're oatmeal instead of the ground cinnamon....Damn alphabetized spice racks ;-)

Learned life lesson..... a large amount of cinnamon and splenda will cover up most of the taste of the cumin that can't be scraped off.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I need a nap

My parents left yesterday. The visit went all in all pretty well. Only problems were actually with hubby who has been moodier then a PMSing woman without chocolate lately. But even that didn't come to blows like it might have.

I have spent today trying to get caught up on my blogs, making a small dent in the mountain of laundry I have in my basement, and getting back to normal. I still have to figure out what's for supper the rest of the week, since I'm really trying to stick to our budget and there is no money left until Friday, Actually we're down by like $200, but that's another story. Luckily like everytime my mother leaves the kitchen is stocked.

#2 has decided he no longer needs a nap and hasn't taken one the last two day's. So he's been having tantrums all morning. Let's hope he's out of that phase since mommy wants one today. I'd manage, but I have to work tonight. I did have a coffee this morning, at the mall while getting a security tag removed from something I bought 2 weeks ago, but it's not helping. I think I need to give it up since it even though it doesn't agree with me or my budget I've been buying a ton of it lately. Maybe I just need some alcohol instead, I'm not even picky today, beer, whine, margarita's, whisky, whatever...Is 12:54pm too early to start drinking???It is pm after all.

I'm off to decide what's for dinner, change laundry, and then hopefully get myself a nap if #2 will every quit screaming, protesting, and JUST GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The alien's are coming! The Alien's are coming!

Ok, I've seen WAY too many of Hubby's sci-fi movies when I walk in on them after work.

Really it's just my parents. Yes they were just here 2 months ago on their way down south, and now passing through on their way north again for a few days.

Now normally I love when they come, I mean free babysitter and all, and if my mom is acting normal it might be a good visit again but I have a few concerns this time. She's has been going slightly senile lately I think, and I know I will not hear the end of how I abandoned my family to go to Austin to go out with my friends. I mean I could have used that trip if I had to go away, to go see family instead. Heck I'd hear about this even if she wasn't going senile, but she might have the sense to drop it.

Part of this comes from last time they were here she insisted we take some money to pay for Dh's recent medical bills. So I KNOW the thought in her brain when I went to Austin was I was spending "her" money...ok, A) I didn't ask for it. B) I tried numerous times not to take it and C) I still have most of that reserved in an account for medical, what has been spent has been spent on MEDICAL bills. My trip was paid for either by money I had put aside for heat (from My paycheck, not DH's) we didn't need this year or was charged on the credit cards so there! Ok now I can act like an adult when she confronts me about it this week, I hope ;-)

It never ceases to amaze me how my parents can make me feel like I'm 17 again.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A letter

Dear Aunt Flo,

GO AWAY!!!!! I know you must come for you're monthly visit, and I appreciate you sticking around after the miscarriage for moral support, but really I'm fine now. It's been almost 9 weeks, and I don't need you any more. My mother is coming at some point this month to give me enough headaches over this subject herself. If you persist in refusing to evacuate I will have to go see the girly Dr., with a God complex, to find more drastic measures of eviction. I don't like him and I'd like to be able to end my relationship with him without having to see him again to tie up these loose ends.

You already got yourself a reprieve. I was suppose to go back to him if the nasty medicine did not work by Monday the 20th. Well it was you're luck that I spent that entire day coming home from a wonderful weekend to a house with sick kids, and given the day I spent in airplanes and airports, I myself was fighting something. You knew I was going to call again by last Monday so you started to pack you're bags and told me to call you a cab, and I believed you were really going. Granted I should have seen the signs that you were not actually planning on leaving, but conducting you're regular monthly visit this week. The bloating, the irritableness, the tiredness, but I didn't and I was fooled again.

Please consider this you're last warning. If you are not gone by Monday I will call the man with the "god complex" and I will find ways of getting rid of you. At this point I'd even consider removing you're guest room permanently and, banishing you for life. I mean we aren't even sure we want to use you're room again, and that would make our decision easy. Although I'm sure Dr. "God complex" won't like that idea, be aware I'm willing to seriously consider it.


Preschool #2

So I checked out the other preschool today and am completely torn. They both seem really really good, but are complete opposites of each other.

The one I went to yesterday (in addition to what I posted) is more of a standard "school" setting, big table for all kids to sit at, specific activities with a schedual etc, etc. School #2 seemed to be more Montesorri influenced. They do not have a big table and never enforce "group" activities. They will encourage the kids to sit and listen to the story etc, but not make them, and it's perfectly ok if they want to play something else instead. They also regularly evaluate the kids to make sure they are learning the lesson's and if they aren't will work with director and parents to make sure they do.

With #1 the freedom and chaos of school #2 would NEVER work... he needs and thrives on structure as he is a naturally unstructured kid. However for #2, it might be good for him to learn to not be so structured as he is a very consistent, clean, and almost anal child at 2. Also where #1 is easily overstimulated and would lash out, #2 retreats into himself and a quiet activity if over stimulated.

I really think it comes down to what style I like better for #2 since they both seemed clean, have low staff turnover, good teacher child interaction, good schedules/activities. Other then the feel of the school the main differences are:

School #1 he needs to be potty trained, it's $30 month cheaper (even more if we up him to 3 days a week next year), Shorter days of 2 1/2 hours, on T/TH, and a little closer, He will be one of the youngest students in a school year based age system

School #2 is bigger, on M/F, more expensive, although only by $30 this year it'd be by $60 more next year when we up him to 3 days, Comes with a free use of a work out room, Has all paid and mostly licensed teachers, and he will be in a class with kids within months of his age.

OH and my neighbor I do babysitting for is thinking of sending her boy to #1, but he'd be M/W/F with the older kids, which means I'll still have to pick him up days I have him on M/F which I don't really mind. It'd be nice if they both went to #2 on the same day's, but the 4yr old class there is full.

What's a mother to do ;-)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Baby's leaving me

Yeah ok, not till next year, but it's that time of year again. Time to find the right preschool. We went and looked at one today, he was thrilled and extremely upset that we had to leave. I will say I was impressed, it has awesome kid/teacher ratio's, looked very clean, although the new classrooms will be in the new addition they're putting on, and will have their own bathrooms. Plus I liked how the teacher, volunteers ( a sweet elderly couple) and director interacted with the kids. The only major drawback is he'd have to potty train by then, and that's an issue I'm not really into pushing, even though with him I'm sure it can be done.

I have one more to check out tomorrow, but I'm leaning towards the place I went today.