
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Oops II - As if life around here wasn't insane enough

That about says it all folks!

Except I do have one warning!!!! Do NOT have makeup sex AFTER you decide you no longer are going to try for another because life has become just way too insane, and BEFORE really discussing a B.C. method. Natural Family Planning doesn't work when it comes to make up sex! If you do you will get one of these within day's of deciding you're really cool with not having another one, and starting on the next phase of you're life.

And yes, I'm still in the phase of not knowing if I want to laugh or cry, I've done both tonight. Oh did I mention the only reason I tested is I knew we were close to the right time of the month, and I wanted a beer, to deal with what I thought (haha) was PMS? This Damn Chamomile tea ain't helping like that beer would have.

tomorrow I get to try to find a new Dr. Yippee!


It's been pointed out to me that at some point I have changed my settings to not allow unmoderated comments to my blog. Meaning that somehow I have lost all the comments that have been posted. I reset it and will be testing it on this post.


Monday, November 28, 2005

I've been Tagged

Ok, OK, I'm a little slow. DHW tagged me on Thanksgiving, and while I actually read her answers, and I didn't notice she tagged me till today. So here it goes

So here are the rules. Pay close attention because you may be the next to partake in all the fun! Remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump everyone up one place; then add your blog to the #5 spot.
1. Sheri and Suzan
2. Kami
3. Cassie
4. E
5. Beth

Next select 5 friends to piss off : (sorry I only have 3 that haven't already been tagged)
1. Alister Deacon (aka Hubby)
2. Lucky Lum
3. Delaine

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was finishing up my first semester at a Tech school, and was planning on finding my way back to Europe as soon as I could after my trip to Greece the previous summer.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Living in our temporary housing situation at the campground we were suppose to be taking care of. Exactly one year ago I was visiting family in MN with the boys and w/o Hubby

5 snacks you enjoy
1)Ice Cream 2) Chocolate 3)Bakery goods 4) Popcorn 5) fruit cups

5 songs to which you know all the lyrics
1)I love spaghetti cause of meatballs 2) All of Larry the Cucumber's silly songs that made the Ultimate silly song countdown 3)Don't Cha (PCD's) 4)Because of You (I think that's what it's called, don't know who sings it) 5)Twinkle Twinkle Little star

5 things you would do if you were a millionaire
Depends if it's just one million or a lot of millions ...So I'll take the unlimited millions route with this question. Yes I have given winning the lottery a lot of thought ;-)
1)Fix up my house and give it away
2) Pay off all the bills for everyone in my family and DH's give them a car, house (if they don't have one. Pay it off if they do) under condtion they read a book I will give them by Dave Ramsey. Also I will let them know this is their clean slate, don't expect more
3) give half to a couple of charities I like
4) Move to where we are not known as lottery winner's/millionaire's, but still live in a very modest house (under 2,000 sq ft) and DH or I would keep the appearance of having a job/running a business..Even if it's selling our hobby so the kids don't know we're rich.
5)Travel, We'd do some more extravagant trips while the kids are little, but would limit them as they get older. We would however take minimum 3-4 week trips in our camper every summer

5 bad habits
1) Procrastination
3) Spending too much time online
4) My horrible sweet tooth
5) Taking my stress out on DH

5 things you like doing
1) Going camping/ hiking
2) Putzing around my craft room
3) going on MNO's
4)Spending time with my DH and kids
5) Getting in the car and driving without a map (and without crabby kids)

5 things you would never wear again
1) Leg warmers
2) 2 foot high bangs
3) one piece work out outfit's
4)Biker's shorts
5)All the bridesmaid's dresses I have in my basement

5 favorite toys
1) My computer
2) my sewing machine
3) My new Garden tiller (early Christmas gift from MIL)
4) Camera
5) The phone

I didn't want to cut ALL Ties

I mentioned to hubby the other day that the blogs seem to be slow, must be because of the holiday, but he said he thought my comment about leaving the Amom group I was in sounded like I no longer wanted anything to do with anyone from A town......

So If what I said was construed in that way I'd like to make a formal apology as that is not at all what I ment. Just that it was time for me to unsub from the Amom group I was in, because most of my friends from there now have blogs and websites that I check all the time.

Whew the weekend is FINALLY over!!!

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a holiday like everyone else, but long weekends have started to get seriously long. I guess I'm just too rooted in my day to day life that when #1 doesn't have school, and Hubby is around for a longer then normal period things start to fall apart. And despite the fact my house looks like a tornado went through today, and I've been fighting a migraine, there is a comfort to being back on my own with #2 for the morning. Granted it helped that he slept till 10 YAHOOOOO so I got to go back to sleep after sending #1 off.

Also about 3 day's of hubby and I together time is about as much as we can take before we start wanting to kill each other. 2 if he's having a pity party, which he is this week. Basically he's saying he's always hungry on this diabetic diet he's he never really ate too much more before hand he's just thinking about it now. Also he sent me what he ate today and he's eating WAY under the amount of carbs he's allowed at each meal. No wonder he's hungry. Oh and I've been doing it with him as I could do well to loose weight myself, and I've only cheated once so far. (I'm also allowing myself extra carbs if they are in the form of a veggie burger instead of his portion of meat)

On Thanksgiving hubby made a wonderful meal, and I was able to get some nice pics of the boys together, and some of #1 alone, #2 wasn't being overly cooperative. We also got our tree up and some of the outside lights. Most are broken and need replacing

Guess that's all that's new here now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Baking with Children is a wonderful thing

That way when you drop the mixer in the middle of adding the flour to you're gumdrop cookies, you can use them as the scapegoat for the dough on the fridge, and the white coating of everything in the kitchen when the hubby comes home.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

When it rains it pours

If you don't like whining, don't read this post. I just need to figure out exactly what is going wrong in my life right now so I can get a handle on it and quit stressing. Besides I have a playdate today (no not with one of the new moms, but still) and I don't want to come off as a complete nutjob, which we all know I am.

Hubby and I decided we're really not doing all that great, and we've been growing apart, so we decided we need to really concentrate on us more, and put a lot of time and energy into our relationship. We decided this after a week of fighting, and we very rarely have a fight, much less 4 or so in a week. But right now we have neither the time nor the energy.

Last Wed Hubby call's me home from work saying he's having heart palpatations. I'm thinking yeah what ever he get's these occasionally, and the they go away. And there is also the fact I've been after him forever to go to a Cardiologist, he hasn't. So I get home the kids are bouncing off the walls in their pj's and he's laying on the floor unable to get up without help. So off we go...the four of us...To the ER. Kids and I wait a little bit, and then go home with instructions for him to take a cab if they release him (which they did). A week, and 3 Dr apts later the verdict is he will have to have surgery to basically cut off an electrical short in the heart. This is done by threading a probe up the main artery from the leg. My mother had a procedure that included the leg thing and she almost died from it. Nice. They are also doing a stress test before hand because something else on the echocardiogram didn't look "right" um yeah couldn't be any more specific about that I guess.

So the procedure is suppose to be early Dec. and we have to go a different city for it. WTF we live in the burbs of a major city, but nope we have to go 70 miles away to get it done. Another nice. He'll have to stay over night, and we have no one here to babysit for us. He's calling today to find out if it can be postponed till early Jan when my parents are planning a visit instead. Otherwise we'll just have to go, stay in a hotel, and depending on how long something like that will take keep the kids busy in the waiting room, or wait at the hotel, and stay over so we can bring Hubby home the next day. Oh yeah in all of this they are also expecting he is diabetic, but we won't know that for probably a week, until the blood test come back.

So on to other major sucky part of life now. MONEY! Blah! We live comfortably not quite from paycheck to paycheck, but close. We can handle the occasional upset in the budget, but that's about it. In the last month our health insurace went up 100/month, to an 80/20 from a 90/10, and the maximum out of pocket went from $3,0000 to $4,000. This was enough to make us decide to hold off on trying for baby #3, which we've been doing for a while. So our method of B.C. thus far was watching the calendar, and using something when probably needed. Shit. we forgot to watch the calendar this month and had certain recreational activities in our house within 2-3 days of the correct day for trying. As much as this would be nice, it's not needed right now, and I won't know for another 2 weeks if we messed up the date as much as I think we did.

So on top of insurance going up, upcoming med expenses from Hubby, the van needs some repairs, and maitenance work done to it, Christmas is coming, my parents are coming (they're trips always end up costing us money), Cold weather is here. I'm starting to think I've put off a dentist visit about as long as I can, as I think I have alot of work needing to be done with old fillings, I need new glasses, #1 needs to go to both a dentist and eye dr this year (eye one is required by school), and I got on the IRS FAQ page the other day and found a comment about how losses on the sale of a primary reidence, are not deductible. We were hoping for this to help us get a major tax refund we could use to pay off the credit card debt we racked up during the move and sale of our last house.

Speaking of houses. The one we just bought (and already put a section of new sewer, and toilet in) has oil heat, and the wood burning stove we had planned to use as a supplement heat source is in operable. And we belief there is mold growing behind the paneling on one of the basement walls. Really Who put's paneling on an outside basement wall ????? We need to rip that out and purchase some Kilz for the area I belief. Plus we have a whole list of more minor things we have to do as just normal upkeep. And did I mention it smells? In the family room, anytime we get a major rainfall the smell of pee seems to come from one corner of the carpet near the door. I'm thinking a previous animal peeded over there, and the moisture let's it out. Usually it last for 3-4 days. Luckily it's not as bad today as it was the past 2 days. Probably because it's so cold any moisture froze.

Ok, I think I'm done venting. I promise, next time I post I'll be back to being happy go lucky me again ;-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Ah yes, our first snow fall of the year. Well I guess flurries is more like it. I'd be surprised if it actually collects. Yesterday was a balmy 69 degrees at this time of day. Today it's 36 (and yes this is the projected high).

I suppose this will help me get into the Christmas spirit. One of the radio stations here is doing 24 hours of Christmas music a day until after New Year's already. Work is full of fake pre-lit trees. I just have trouble feeling like it's Christmas before Thanksgiving.

Hubby and I were discussing if we want a real tree or if we want to use our fake on. I think both would be nice since our house has 2 rooms with picture windows. Hubby thinks we should do one or the other. I like the cost of the fake one, plus the fact I don't have to water it, but it's just not the same. Plus I like the whole go cut it yourself thing. I wonder if they even have any Christmas tree farms around here. I'll have to look.

I think I'm getting the hang of it

I scored 2 phone numbers at the last story time for the season yesterday! Now do I call them? do I wait for them to call me? I don't want to seem too pushy, maybe they'll think I'm uniterested if I don't call. What's the proper amount of time to wait. Ok, I still need (play)dating help!

One mom seemed very interested in the idea. The other, only so-so, but her kid and my kid really play well together. Oh well Guess I'll give them a few days and call next Monday.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I will survive

Ok, well maybe I'm being a bit optimistic, but today was day one fo day care duty. The kids did great, no major fights, no one ended up in time out and all of the kids slept for at least 1 1/2 hours at the same time. WOOOHOOOOO. The mom came to pick them up and the baby was sleeping so she went home did a couple things and came back to get her later. She slept for 2 1/2 hours here. The most she's ever slept at home is 1 1/2...Guess I just have the knack. Only problem was nobody really ate lunch. Oh well I offered it to them. Tomorrow will be day 2, unless it rains. He doesn't work on days that rain.

On unrelated topics: LINKS My friend JK just started a blog YEAH...I've been after her to do this for a while now. So go check it out. Also Hubby decided to start one a while ago if interested. Now I'm warning you He is weird, and will occasionally post nuddie pics he finds online because they are "artistic". Um yeah right. In fact I've been accused of sending someone to that link as a joke, but it is in fact hubby's under his assumed name. So if you're into highly philosophical type posts, that likes to pretend your interested in nudie pics because they are art, and want to really know what's going on in my life from the other halves perspective check that out as well at Alister Deacon. Just don't say I didn't warn you ;-)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

#1's Birthday

Hmm he does keep insisting he's 4, maybe I can keep him little that way if he doesn't recognize the fact that he is actually 5?

Yup #1 turned 5 last Saturday. We got up, went to the Aquarium, went to a toy store to spend the money Grandmama and Grandpapa sent him on Annie and Clarabel. Then came home to a gourmet lunch of Hot Dogs and French fries. He then opened gifts from us (a scooter) Grandma & Grandpa ( a T-ball set), and went outside to play with them.

Today his B-day continued with a package arriving from one of his Auntie's with what might be the best gift yet. A hot wheel's Motorcycle racing track. We still have 2 more gifts to go. One which I forgot to give him, Hey my sister gave it to me in MAY, and the other one is still in the mail. Must be nice to have week long Birthday's lol.

And yes folks that is indeed a pink and purple dinosaur cake, made and decorated by Hubby. It is a Sharptooth aka T-Rex (I think) in case you were wondering.

Well, I cut the ties

I've been on a message board for Austin mom's since I left Austin, well way before, but I never unsubbed from it. I've been trying to wean myself off of it and stopped posting a while ago. Then I got to where I just didn't look at it much anymore because I felt fairly voyeuristic looking and not posting, so today I cleaned out my yahoo groups and unsubbed. I also left a few other groups I don't really have time for, that I'm not attached too emotionally.

I'm at a point I figure I don't know most of the people on there any more and the ones I do I've been able to keep up with them on their blogs (Thank goodness for blogs!)

On a separate issue, I'm not babysitting for the kids this week. Their dad didn't have any work scheduled for yesterday and today, and #1 has his 5yr checkup on Friday, so one more week of freedom. This is also good since they little boy had an ear infection as of last Friday, and low and behold #2's is sick AGAIN! Hopefully all will be well by next week. I really don't think it will be a "steady" job so it will hopefully just fill in as a nice one for extra money on occasion.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Got any pick-up lines?

OK, this kind of relates to the whole how to pick up friends topic that's been discussed before in my many groups.

Here's the situation. We've been eating regularly (at least once every 2-3 weeks) at a small mom and pop restraunt near us. The owners are about my age and have a little 3 year old girl I'll call C. The mom and I talk everytime she's there (It's usually her DH that's there, who is very quiet Hubby and I just think he doesn't talk like so many of the DH's out there), And if C is there, she and #1 will play together.

Tonight we even had C join us at our table because they weren't done playing when our food came and the mom had a few things she had to do because her and C were headed somewhere. So C happily sat down and had some French fries with us.

Now I really like the mom. In fact she seems to be one of the few normal mom's I've met since moving here, and I'd really like to get to be friends with her. I'm just really not sure how to move from this whole Customer, chat once in a while, to friends. I swear this is almost hard then dating.

Any suggestions on how to not sound too stupid and suggest a playdate or something?????

The things I'll do for money

Yup I can't belief I'm doing it, but I am. I have agreed to take care of my neighbor's children 3 days a week from 8ish (thinking her DH will want it to be earlier, but I think I'll resist) to 3.

This means that starting next week, on Monday, Tuesday's, and Friday's I will have a 1yr old, 2yr old, 3yr old, and 4yr old. Well OK the 4yr old will actually be 5 next week and he won't be here on Monday and Tuesday mornings.

I'm also keeping my job on Sunday's and 2 other nights during the week at T. I am thinking I might have to scale that down a bit. Work Sunday ONLY till 10:30 (as opposed to close, which can be whenever the annoying teenagers decide to work), or even open (yikes that'd mean I have to be there at 8) Instead. And I think I will say I am no longer available on Thursdays nights, so I'm not dead on Friday. Even if I have to work say Just Friday/Sat nights I think I'd like to stay there through Christmas for the discount and deals I find. Plus this gig with the neighbor kids isn't exactly a for sure thing as her hubby is working with a friend cutting trees or something while he tries to find a real job....And we all know how those things can go.

So the big question on everyone's mind. Will this drive me insane? Maybe I can hold off the sanity by being organized (yeah right this is me we're dealing with). But the truth of the matter is that I already am or I wouldn't be doing this.

I'm off to make up a daily schedule, and weekly one of chores now. To convince myself I can be organized and do this.

Oh and Hubby if you're reading this before you talk to me...I did try to tell you first, but we got lots of baby proofing to do this weekend!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


What can I say, we had a nice night. #1 LOVED trick-or-treating and is still talking about it. #2 didn't get it and got freaked out by a guy in a scary movie mask. After about the 5th house he got in the mood. Almost in time to come home. We just did our rounds around our cul-de-sac. and then came home. Hubby said we only had 5 kids come. Bummer. I think we need to get a neighborhood party going on so people would see it from the main road at the end of ours, Then we might get more. But mabey some day in the future when I have more time I could organize that (yeah right). I'm adding in some pics of the kids. Yes once again mommy wasn't organized and #1 wore his store bought costume from last year and #2 wore #1's costume from 2yrs ago, that we got at Goodwill.

Confessions of a fashion victim

I'm so confused when it comes to fashion. I'm not really a short person, yet all of these flared leg jeans I find drag on the ground. And I have not been able to find a pair of petite in woman's (my) sizes. I do have one pair I bought almost 2 years ago. In desperation I bought a pair of long ones and figured well I'll just have to buy some shoes/boots with a slight heel to wear with them when I go out. At home I'll just look dumb and roll them up while cleaning toilets.

This brings me to the shoes. Why with all the technology in the world can they not make a comfortable boot or even shoe with a heel that is under $30????? Now I know according to Clinton and Stacy there is such a thing, but I don't have their kind of budget to spend on clothes. My birthday money only added up to $30, not $300. Or is the real problem that I haven't worn a heal in 5 years and forgot how they feel along with how to walk in them? I did buy the most comfortable boot I could find. I really was trying to go for a boot so that I can wear normal socks under it, since I have a bit of a problem keeping other socks matched up.

Now on to Underwear. These jeans I bought are also Low rise. Again not a smart idea for a woman of my size, but on the the original rant. I bought a package of low rise undies to go with them. I'm not a thong person, but in my attempts to try them I found that I do like the fact they are low rise. So I buy my normal size in low rise undies, and they don't stay up. WTF???? Does that mean you have to go a size bigger for low rise? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? It's almost enough to make me wear the thongs, except when Aunt Flo comes visiting.

Somebody help me. I think I'm getting the hairdo thing down with the help of a very talented, and nice looking beauty student named Sam. Now if only I could find a Sam to help with clothes.