
Our family: Mom, Dad, 5yr old, 2yr old, and very large, but friendly dog in N. KY

Monday, February 27, 2006

Old friends?

In advance, sorry for the spelling errors, Spell check won't work, and honestly I don't care enough to proofread, not that I'd catch most of them if I did.

I have a friend from high school that I kept in touch with till probably 2 years ago. She was my best friend after high school, till probably when I got married. When I left MN for TX we had started to part ways (I think it's in large part due to her now husband, who I had no qualms letting her know I thought was fairly immature and that marriage wasn't going to solve their problems), and after I had made a few failed attempts to see her when I'd go home for a visit, I gave up. I think the final straw was when I missed her wedding. See I was going to try to make it by schedualing one of our vacations over it, but by doing so #1 would have missed his last week of MDO for the year, and I had an important MNO that week, I really really wanted to make. Yes it was the pedicure and Kalidescoops till wee hours of the morning one ;-). Also it was the last get together with that group and I belive it was fairly shortly before we moved. I did see her when we were up later and she seemed somewhat upset, or mabey just distant but didn't say anything about it.

Occasionally I'd get a few emails from her here and there, either a forwarded funny, or more rarely a hey how's life deal. Well lately I've been getting an awful lot of forwarded religious messages from her. This is really making me concerned. This is the person who never went to church untill she started looking for somewhere to have her wedding. And I'm wondering how the man who had no issue dropping $500/month at the bar is meshing with this obviously "new" interest in religion. (And no I'm not anti-religion, and would go to church if I could find one here I liked, I did in Austin, just concerned about the seemingly sudden change) Last I heard she was going to church (pre wedding and a little post) and he wasn't.

So I guess the question is what's up? You think she's mabey trying to reconnect? If so how come the forwarded emails? I mean I never forward emails so I haven't responded, but I'd definatly respond to another hey whats up one, but I haven't had one of those in a very long long time, and usually I do respond, but my response doesn't get a response.

I dunno, I'm confused.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I'm so proud, and then I squashed it

One of the things I'd like to teach my boys is that we do not ALWAYS need to drive everywhere we go. Ok, Ok, in certain area's like where we lived in TX it was hard to implement since I didn't want to walk the 1 1/2 miles to get anywhere. However given the fact we now live 2 blocks from a Walgreen's + 2 gas stations, and 4 blocks from #1's school (to which he busses) BK, the bank a DQ and other gem's I've made a point of walking to these things with the boys rather then jumping in the car.

Yesterday, a perfectly nice day we were headed to the library. We get in the car, both kids buckled, triple count the 3 books and 2 movies we need to return. I turn the key and NOTHING. Appears the battery was dead. Hm nice. So I tell the boys we will not be going to the library. #1 looks at me and says..."It's ok that the van is broken mommy, we can walk to the library". I was so proud of him. Unfortunately I had to shoot down that idea, since the library is 1 1/2 miles away and no way would he make it both directions, and even though I would have walked it, and pushed #2 in the stroller, I so wasn't pushing the double stoller with a 5yr old in it the whole way.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

Well I got in Monday night after a FABULOUS weekend. And I lucked out enough to be able to change planes and score myself a $250 airline credit. See here's the thing, while I realized I still haven't learned how to be alone very well, I really enjoyed my time away. And while I will probably end up using that to go see my family, and I doubt Hubby will let me do another weekend anytime soon, I'm thinking another weekend away wouldn't be such a bad thing ;-) Even if I don't get to sit next to Felipe on the plane next time. If you weren't lucky enough to be part of my Felipe sighting, or heard the story, I'll have to fill you in later.

It's taken me this long to get around to posting that I'm back because most of you were there, and because I came home to a kid with Scarlet Fever, a tired out hubby, a mountain of laundry (for which we had no detergent) and I'm still trying to recover from Sat night!

I'll try to get more details up for those of you that had to miss it soon, but don't hold you're breath, I have yet to attempt to concur Mt Everest of laundry in my basement, or even unpack my suitcase, which I didn't get till last night (part of the whole changing plane thing).

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What to wear, what to wear, what to wear

This change in weather, while I'm STILL not complaining, has made me rethink what I'll be wearing Sat night. I now feel I need to have some sort of a jacket. My options, since I've run out of shopping time are: 2 wool jackets, both from the mid 90's (when I had things like a job, dates etc), but suprisingly back instyle. At least I think so, if not I'll end up as a FUG Thursday pic ;-) Or my everyday awesome blue vinyl jacket. The long wool coat is still to warm for Austin.

I tried my original shirt, a 3/4 sleeve shirt with beading, but it just ain't working with the jackets, too much bling. Actually none of the new clothes I bought will work with the jackets, so I'm ending up pulling out some of my older clothes for the night of the blowout, and probably even the flight down. I think I've figured it out, let's just hope I don't end up totally looking like 1995.

Oh, and the home visit with the teacher went well. #1 is doing good in school.

This will also probably be my last post untill after the blowout, unless I have another fashion disaster while packing tonight.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"The Home Visit"

Now before you start flaming me from a social perspective, I think this is an awsome idea. Just not from the persepctive of having Ms. Perfect visit my house.

#1 is in public preschool. There are 2 ways to get into public preschool in our district. You either have to be considered low income, or the child must have some sort of a disability, or developmental delay. #1 got in because of his speech, unfortunatly I don't think I'll find anything to get #2 in for but I still might try....Hmm mabey if I teach him the wrong names of colors....Just Kidding, kind of.

Well anyway in our district, part of the preschool program is having the teacher and one of the 2 classroom aids do home visits twice a year. Offical explination is so the teacher's get a better idea of where the child is coming from. I think this is awsome, because not only can the alert CPS if they see a major red flag, it does give them an idea of what type of situation the kids are coming to them from, especially since they've all been flagged as "at risk" for one reason or another.

And today is our day. #1's teacher is one of these put together mommies I've talked about. I always thought it was just because I saw her in a profesional light, but then I saw her when I was working one day. She came in to pick up a few things while her daughter was in dance class. Yup she has a matching workout outfit on, full makeup and a ball cap. Yes she's one of thoese women that looks good in a ball cap. She also get's 20 3,4, and 5yr olds to sit silently through Polar Express, which is a long book. Yes she is an amazing teacher and has all the structure and routine #1 needs.

So not only have I spent the weekend cleaning like a mad women, and been burning candles all day, I'm now trying to figure out how to look like a put together mommy in a natural state. I don't want it to come across as I've primped for her visit, but I also don't want to look too frumpy.

Eeek. One hour to go, I need to go clean and primp....and figure out what things about #1 I want to discuss with her.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

SPF: Lovin' it

Ok, this is my first SPF and I know I'm already getting my grade docked because I'm turning it in on Monday. This week's SPF is brought to us by Kami, who is filling in for Kristine.

What you love most about your home

For me it was a toss up. The amazing style it has and how "weird" it looks from the outside (in a goodway) and the funky floorplan. Or the view from my kitchen window of the city around us. Since I already have a photograph of the outside, and it's an icky cloudy day that doesn't do my view justice, I chose the floorplan and '60's style.

What you love least about your home

This has to be the previous people's decorating. Between the awful paneling in EVERY room, except our bedroom, which has awful wallpaper, and the blue/green carpet covering hardwood floors and frilly curtains.

This picture depicts the lovely carpet and one of the walls of paneling. (Ignore the child) I won't bore you with pictures of The dark faux wood in the family room, the medium colored faux wood in #2's room, the light wood in the kitchen, the faux rock in the basement, and the faux brick we just pulled out of #1's room.

What you love most about yourself.

This one I had to think about since physically I'm not loving much. I "like" some things about the way I look, but I ain't lovin anything. So how to come up with part of my personality I like that I can show a picture of was the hard part. So why a picture of #1's freshly painted green walls? I like that I am willing to take risks, and will try almost anything. I mean who in their right mind will let a 5yr old pick out the shade of green and blue paints for his room? (I did nix the pink and purple color scheme he wanted).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Talk about hypocritical

Let me start this by saying I've wanted a tattoo since I was 17. Over 12 years people. Before hubby I always chickened out when I had the money, and after meeting hubby when I finally got brave enough to do it, I haven't because he always said he didn't like them.

So last night I was channel surfing, Hubby walked through the room when I was watching a minute of Miami Ink. We'll I was telling hubby there is a commercial with Kat saying that she doesn't think men will find her pretty, but only look at her because she's weird (Yes I'm paraphrasing). I told him I find this odd since I think she's very pretty, I mean I'd kill for her eyes. Well Hubby agreed, and I believe he at one point even said yeah she's really hot.

WTF????? Sure you find the totally tattooed chick on TV hot, and yet have told your wife you would find her less attractive if she got one tiny one?????? Almost tempts me to just go out and get it. Especially since in the last 10 years I've committed to a design I want (another reason I never got one. I couldn't find anything I knew I'd love forever.)


Monday, February 06, 2006

Try this again. Who I am

I shamelessly stole this quiz from PsycoSAHM's blog, and posted my thoughts on it before blogger ate it the other night. I highly doubt I will be as insightful into myself as I was the first time, but I'm going to try again.

You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.No wonder you and London will get along so well.

What City Do You Belong In?
This is so true. I totally thought that by this time in my life I'd have traveled Europe, speak at least one other language fluently, and be living somewhere exiting and exotic. I have done none of this.
Instead I find myself living in Florence, KY and have had 2 midlife crisis by age 29. Ok that's not true, I'm in the second one now. It dawned on me that the reason behind this is that I'm trying to make the Londoner fit into my life, not that easy to do when I'm a SAHM to 2 boys and any decisions I make have to take that and my hubby into consideration. Meaning I can't just up and move to a cool Urban loft with lots of eclectic antiques somewhere, preferably in another country.
I had come to a pretty good place of joining these two completely separate parts of me when I lived in Austin. (mid life crisis #1) I was in a fun and progressive city, found people to have intellectual conversations with beyond potty training, there was good music all around, and while I wasn't living a carefree life of travel at the time, I saw a pathway too it.
Then we moved to Florence, KY. A city I'd call anything but progressive, I've yet to find many other SAHM's who have interests other then their kids or scrapbooking (sorry no offense, it's just not me) and while I've taken up crafts and enjoy them, I'd rather be traveling or having an in depth discussion with someone most of the time.
So I guess the question I need to ask myself is...How can I find the Londoner part of me in Florence KY?

Sickies, Strange Happenings, and Good Friends

My whole house has been sick for the last week. I've been very unproductive, but thought I personally had beat the worst of it as everyone was getting better. Then this morning hit :-( Woke up with a stuffy head, took too many pills, and almost threw up my "healthy" breakfast because of it.

So I head to the computer to check out everyone else's life. I'm IM's DH asking him if we have any stamps in the house so we can mail a bill that's due in 3 days (the answer is no) and getting ready to drag #2 out to buy stamps, get some money from the bank, and return overdue library books, when I hear a very strange noise coming from the fireplace (It doesn't work, so we don't use it), kind of like a flapping, I listen again and realize there's a bird in there....crap. Hubby says he'll come home for an early lunch and rescue the bird, take the bills, send them out, and drop off the over due library books. YAY

Luckily the bird was down by a little hatch door on the outside of the fireplace so Hubby was able to just open it and let the bird fly away. Hopefully it's ok, Hubby saw some blood on the door, it snowed yesterday, and our neighbor's cat is a notorious hunter. I'm kind of worried about it, even though I know I can't do anything. I mean it probably was in the chimney escaping from the recent snow storm, and the neighbors cat.

Shortly after this my friend calls me to see if I want some company, She was between being taxi driver for her kids and had an hour to waste, and yes I warned her I'm sick. She came bearing iced coffee drinks from Arby's!!! Yay, just what I needed to get moving for the day. Who knows maybe I'll even get some laundry or dishes done. Even make supper tonight possibly. Well maybe not. I don't want to push it ;-)

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I just spent half an hour procrastionating bills comeing up with a very insightful, and self searching post and BLOGGER ATE IT!!!!!!!!!! Mabey I'll redo it later. If I have time.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Brag time

It's been a while since I posted any brag pictures so today I decided to get caught up.

This first one is just an awesome shot Hubby got of Glenn snuggeling with his Elmo. I really like how the sun and shadow's play off him, Yes I need to crop the window, and messy toy room out of it.

The paint is from when Glenn was helping me paint his walls. We did finish the first coat, and yes it is a very bright Green, but hey what other color should a 5yr old's jungle room be. We still have to do the second coat, spraypaint the bunk beds, paint the mural, the tree bookshelf, make curtain's, bedspreads, and a covering for the closet. My goal is to be done before he thinks a jungle room is too baby-ish.

And last, but not least is one to show I can at least have my boys looking like I'm a put together mommy, in matching outfits. We'll ignore the fact they have matching shirts because if they didn't it would be a jelousy issue with cookie monster, and that Glenn has holes in his jeans. They're play jeans, and all that's clean today ;-) And notice mommy isn't in the picture to ruin the image.

****P.S. We're also ignoring the fact that blogger uploaded the pics in the wrong order, but hey you're all pretty smart, and I think you can figure it out.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Help the fashion victim's!

I need advice, I really do. The pending trip to Austin, and the rumors that it is in the 70's have me thinking about summer. I have two area's of concern when it comes to my summer wardrobe. One I'm a short's and T-shirt person, so how to I wear shorts still and make myself look put together. And if I am wearing shorts with a nicer top, what do I wear on my feet? I really can't do flip flops. I mean the piece of cloth between my toes hurts, I know there's something horribly wrong with me in this department.

At work last night I was eyeing pair A or possiblyPair B for everyday, with jean or kaki shorts, but are they too frumpy looking? I really fell in love with pair C, but I never dress up. But let's say I did, how do you dress up with open toed sandles? I mean it looks dorky to wear panty hose with them right? but if you're really dressing up don't you need them?

It's a good thing I have boys, because I'd be no help in guiding a girl through the life of fashion.